In the 4th round of the 2023 National Women's Football Championship, in the match between Than KSVN and Ho Chi Minh City I, in the 86th minute, Nguyen Thi Thuy broke into the 16m50 area of Ho Chi Minh City I and fell after a dispute with Cu Thi Huynh Nhu. Immediately, the referee pointed to the 11m mark, giving Than KSVN players a penalty kick.
The players of Ho Chi Minh City Club I disagreed with this decision, causing the match to be interrupted for a few minutes. Then, on the 11m mark, Duong Thi Van could not defeat goalkeeper Kim Thanh, helping Ho Chi Minh City Club I maintain a minimal victory and take the top spot in the women's national championship after round 4.
The match between Ho Chi Minh City and Vietnam Coal and Minerals in round 4 of the national women's football championship 2 days ago (Photo: VFF).
On November 27, the VFF Disciplinary Board decided to discipline head coach of Ho Chi Minh City Club I Doan Thi Kim Chi with 2.5 million VND and suspend her from the next 2 matches in the national football tournament managed by VFF, due to coach Kim Chi's behavior causing the match to be temporarily interrupted.
On the morning of November 28, Coach Doan Thi Kim Chi filed a complaint, stating: "In the 87th minute of the match, when the referee blew the whistle for a penalty for Than KSVN, I noticed that the players of the HCMC I team reacted strongly to the main referee and throughout the match, many situations that the referee team considered unfavorable and inhibited the fighting spirit of the players of the HCMC I women's football team.
Personally, I do not want the conflict between players of the two teams to happen like in 2018 at Thong Nhat Stadium, so I need to quickly prevent and correct the players' playing attitude to help them calm down and continue playing again.
Therefore, I asked the players to go to the area in front of the technical area of Ho Chi Minh City Club I (the players were still standing on the field) to remind and encourage them to calm down and try to continue playing to avoid bad images and bad impressions.
After a quick 3-minute exchange, the players of HCMC I continued to enter the field to play until the match ended successfully."
This afternoon (November 28), VFF officially spoke out about the incident. A VFF representative said: "The disciplinary decision is considered based on reports from: Referee Supervisor, Match Supervisor, Referee Team and related videotapes.
In particular, there is a separate videotape (not the one shown on television) that clearly reflects the fact that the players of the HCMC I Women's Club on the field at that time had absolutely no reaction and were preparing for the situation where the Than KSVN Club took a free kick, but Coach Kim Chi called them off the field and stopped playing.
According to the rules of the game, only the referee has the right to stop the match. The coach is not allowed to stop the match without the referee's permission."
Thus, the disciplinary action against coach Kim Chi remains unchanged. This coach was fined and banned from coaching the next two matches.
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