This instruction from the Ministry of Education and Training is not new because it has been required for schools to apply for the past 2 years when implementing the 2018 General Education Program. However, this year when applied to all students, especially in the final grade, there have been mixed opinions, causing many parents to worry.
Students in a literature class according to the new program
Can I take another passage of the text that is being studied but is not in the textbook?
Not including textbook materials in the literature test is consistent with the teaching and learning methods of the 2018 General Education Program.
First of all, we need to understand what are the "texts and excerpts learned in textbooks" as required by the Ministry of Education and Training?
"Text" here can be a short story, an informational text, a poem that is relatively completely quoted in the topic. And "excerpt" is just a part of a text of a certain genre that is quite long. Thus, with the above requirement, the literature test cannot take the excerpted material to study in the textbook. However, it is still allowed to take another passage of the studied text. For example, with the Tale of Kieu (a poetic narrative genre), the test maker cannot take the excerpts studied in the book, but can take another passage. This is clearly shown in the Ministry of Education and Training's illustration test for the literature subject for the upcoming 2025 high school graduation exam, when the question gives an excerpt from the epic Dam San . This epic is studied in the program, and the passage the question illustrates is not in the textbook (of all 3 sets of books).
The way to teach and learn literature in the 2018 General Education Program is to teach according to the system of text genres, taking the requirements to be achieved and literary knowledge as a measure. When students learn a text, they do not only have to deeply understand the content and art of that text (as in the old program), but mainly the reading skills (and also writing, speaking, listening) about the characteristics of that text genre. Help them know how to apply the skills they have learned to read other works, which are rich in life.
Not including textbook materials in the literature test is consistent with the teaching and learning methods of the 2018 General Education Program.
Eliminate sample texts; avoid rote learning
The practice of not using textbooks for literature tests has been applied in schools from middle school to high school for many years now. Observing and surveying students, we found that most of them did not encounter any major obstacles, although at first they were a bit confused and had difficulty due to unfamiliarity. Many students expressed their agreement, interest and inspiration when doing the test with the new text.
The obvious positive aspect that any literature teacher can see is that it has eliminated model essays; avoided rote learning, plagiarism; limited cheating... However, how to orient review before the test, how to set questions and build answer requirements to not cause difficulties for students are still important requirements.
The above move by the Ministry of Education and Training right when preparing to enter the new school year 2024 - 2025 is very necessary. Once again thoroughly grasping the spirit of innovation in the literature exam, preparing teachers and students to be proactive in important exams, which are the entrance exam for grade 10 and high school graduation.
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