- Implementing the National Target Program (NTP) on socio-economic development of ethnic minority and mountainous areas (EMMA) for the period 2021-2025, in the past time, the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People's Council, and the Provincial People's Committee have focused on leading and directing all levels and sectors to concretize the policies, orientations, and regulations of the Central Government and the province. Accordingly, all levels and sectors have developed and issued decisions and plans to implement and strengthen propaganda work in EMMA and MMA areas in conjunction with the implementation of emulation movements launched by the Central Government and the province. Thereby, it has brought about positive results, contributing to improving the material and spiritual life of the people.
The process of organizing and managing the implementation of the program is deployed synchronously from the province to the grassroots level, from the work of making medium-term plans for the period 2021-2025 and annual plans; strengthening the decentralization mechanism in resource mobilization, enhancing the initiative and flexibility of all levels in management and implementation.
The work of inspecting and supervising the implementation of the program in the province is carried out regularly and in accordance with regulations; during the period, the steering committees of the national target program at all levels have issued inspection plans and work programs of the sectors and the province. Every year, the Provincial People's Committee has organized inspections of the implementation of the national target programs in combination with inspections of the implementation of the socio-economic development plan.
The preparation, appraisal, approval and allocation of capital plans for the implementation of the program for the period 2021 - 2025 and annually are carried out in accordance with the order and procedures prescribed by the Law on Public Investment, the Law on State Budget and guiding documents. The total capital plan assigned to implement the program for the period 2021 - 2025 is 4,178,824 million VND; of which: the central budget is 3,974,964 million VND, the local budget is 203,860 million VND.
Based on the allocated budget, the province has allocated VND 2,859,173 million for the 2022-2024 period; of which: the central budget is VND 2,722,991 million, the local budget is VND 136,182 million. From the allocated budget, agencies, units, levels and sectors have implemented disbursement in accordance with the purpose of the program. To date, the total disbursed capital plan for the 2021-2024 period (up to the end of September 2024) is VND 1,604,676 million, reaching 56% of the assigned capital plan; estimated disbursement by the end of 2024 will reach 86% of the assigned capital plan.
It can be affirmed that the National Target Program for Socio-Economic Development in Ethnic Minority and Mountainous Areas is the correct policy of the Party and State for ethnic minority and mountainous areas. The projects and policies of the program cover all areas of social life, having an impact on promoting the development of ethnic minority areas.
After 4 years of implementing the program, the socio-economic situation of ethnic minority areas in the province has had many positive changes, the economy has developed quite comprehensively. The poverty rate has decreased by an average of 3% per year, it is expected that in the period of 2024-2025, the poverty rate will decrease by an average of 2-2.5%. Up to now, 11/47 communes have escaped the situation of extreme difficulty, reaching 23% compared to the plan of the period; it is expected that by the end of 2025, 47/47 communes, 47/47 villages in communes of regions I, II and 268/268 villages in communes of region III will escape the situation of extreme difficulty, reaching 100% of the target compared to the plan of the period.
The fields of culture, health, and education in ethnic minority areas have been well directed and implemented, continuing to have positive changes. The quality of education at all levels continues to be improved. Cultural, artistic, information, press, radio, and television activities are carried out synchronously with many rich and diverse forms. The quality of medical examination and treatment for the people has been improved; the work of preventing and combating dangerous diseases has been directed and directed. The lives of ethnic minorities have been significantly improved.
However, in the process of implementing the program, some projects and sub-projects are still slow to deploy, the disbursement rate of career capital is low, and the mobilization of investment resources from the community is not high...
'To deploy and implement the National Target Program well in the coming period, Party committees and authorities at all levels continue to pay attention to leadership, direction and management, resolutely and closely, promoting the role of leaders in closely following viewpoints, goals and solutions to develop specific plans and projects, focusing on directing and mobilizing resources for the program; promoting the role of cadres in deploying and implementing the program, especially grassroots cadres. At the same time, regularly do a good job of propaganda about the purpose and practical significance of the program; propagate and mobilize the entire political system to participate, promote the role of central and local information and press agencies operating in the area, focus on doing a good job of dialogue with the people; promptly remove difficulties and obstacles arising at the grassroots level. At the same time, determine goals suitable to the actual conditions of each locality and grassroots level; Flexibly apply mechanisms and policies in implementation, empower people and communities so that they are truly the subjects in the process of organizing and implementing programs and policies, creating motivation for people to rise out of poverty.
Source: https://baolangson.vn/hieu-qua-tu-chuong-trinh-muc-tieu-quoc-gia-phat-trien-kinh-te-xa-hoi-vung-dong-bao-dan-toc-thieu-so-va-mien-nui-tren-dia-ban-tinh-5028463.html
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