Based on practical requirements, in recent years, the Party Committee and the command of Brigade 293 have regularly paid attention to leading and directing the synchronous implementation of many measures in preservation and maintenance, promoting research, technical innovation initiatives, and improving the efficiency of exploitation and use of technical equipment in tasks. One of the measures contributing to the effective implementation of this task is to improve the quality of implementing Technical Day at the unit.

Commander of Brigade 293 thoroughly grasps the task of implementing the weekly Technical Day.

Arriving at the technical area of ​​Brigade 293, we heard Captain Nguyen Ba Toan, Head of the Repair Station, reporting on the initiative "Hydraulic lifting equipment".

Previously, loading and unloading technical equipment and materials encountered many difficulties when deploying and arranging fixed supports in locations with many obstacles, moving took a lot of time and effort, and was even unsafe, especially when constructing works in mountainous terrain. This initiative makes the work more convenient, reduces manpower and ensures high safety during operations. According to Captain Nguyen Ba Toan, the Technical Days at the unit and many working trips helped him form the idea, and the process of making, testing and completing the product took about 4 months. The initiative is effective, easy to operate, cheap, and the materials are readily available on the market, so it is convenient to apply while performing tasks.

Captain Nguyen Ba Toan, Head of the Repair Station, Technical Department of Brigade 293, reported on the initiative "Hydraulic lifting equipment".

Talking to us, Major Tran Bien Thuy, Deputy Chief of Engineering of Brigade 293 said: “Most of the vehicles and machines of the unit have been used for many years, replacement materials are scarce and difficult to find on the market. Therefore, the Technical Day is an opportunity for officers and soldiers to promote creativity, passion for research, find effective initiatives and solutions to overcome this problem”. In the past time, Brigade 293 has had many quality initiatives and technical improvements that have been accepted and applied in training, combat readiness, and construction works such as: Engine support and disassembly rack (used when repairing vehicles); Multi-purpose mechanical jack; Battery cleaning rack in outdoor conditions; Battery maintenance equipment; Multi-purpose vehicle for test explosions, moving Yamaha 40 HP pusher (mounted on VSN-1500 river boat) and carrying fire water... This is an important foundation for the brigade to continue to carry out Campaign 50 well in the coming time.

Soldiers of Battalion 4, Brigade 293 maintain equipment and motorbikes.

During Technical Day, according to the assignment of the unit commander, each person has a job: some people preserve and maintain the surfaces and details of the vehicle, check and clean the technical equipment; some people clean the areas, reinforce the fire shelter...

While meticulously checking every detail of the Zil-130 dump truck, Captain Trinh Van Dung, driver of Company 11, Battalion 4, confided: “To keep the vehicle good and durable, the driver must regularly check, preserve, maintain, and promptly detect any damage. As a habit, 30 minutes before the maneuver, I start the engine to check first. If I detect any normal damage, I will repair and fix it myself. If it is beyond my ability, I will report to the unit commander and take it to the station or workshop for repair.”

Check the motorbike before driving.

Observing the team of drivers and repairmen working diligently, it can be seen that vehicle maintenance and preservation has become a regular and voluntary task for each person. They have a thorough understanding and grasp of the features and uses of each type of technical equipment as well as the maintenance, repair and troubleshooting process for common types of damage. We learned that every Friday, the unit organizes a Technical Day activity for officers and soldiers to focus on checking the technical condition and conducting maintenance and repair of technical equipment. At the same time, training and improving the professional qualifications of inexperienced drivers is required, requiring each driver not only to drive well but also to know how to detect and promptly repair common damage. Therefore, although the unit's fleet of vehicles has been used for many years and is prone to damage, the unit's driving team always completes its tasks well, ensuring absolute safety for people and vehicles.

According to Lieutenant Colonel Pham Xuan Bo, Deputy Brigade Commander of Brigade 293, to ensure the technical coefficient according to the standards for weapons and technical equipment, the Party Committee and brigade commander regularly focus on leading and directing the work of ensuring supplies, equipment, and technical training and management. In particular, implementing well the "Technical Hours of the Day, Technical Days of the Week" is a decisive factor in maintaining the quality and features of technical equipment and enhancing the mobility of the brigade, contributing significantly to the unit's successful completion of assigned tasks.

Article and photos: BAO TRUNG - MINH DUY

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