Kinhtedothi - On February 4, Hau Giang Provincial Party Committee held a meeting of the Provincial Party Executive Committee to approve projects to rearrange and streamline the organizational apparatus of agencies in the provincial political system.
At the Conference, after listening to the leaders of the Organizing Committee of Hau Giang Provincial Party Committee approving the report of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on approving the projects to arrange and streamline the organizational apparatus of agencies and organizations in the political system of Hau Giang province, the Provincial Party Executive Committee discussed and unanimously approved the projects.
Accordingly, the Project on ending the activities of the Party delegation and Party executive committee; establishing the Party Committee of the Party agencies of Hau Giang province; the Project on ending the activities of the Party Executive Committee of the Provincial People's Committee; establishing the Party Committee of the Hau Giang Provincial People's Committee; the Project on merging the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department and the Provincial Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Department; the Project on reorganizing and merging specialized agencies under the Provincial People's Committee and district-level People's Committees in the province; the Project on ending the activities of the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies and Enterprises Bloc.
According to the Provincial Party Committee's Organizing Committee, the Party Committees of Party agencies and the Provincial People's Committee Party Committee will come into operation from February 18, 2025.
The Party Committee of the Bloc of Agencies and Enterprises of Hau Giang province will cease its operations from February 18, 2025;
At the same time, after being merged, the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda and Mass Mobilization Department will come into operation from February 18, 2025.
In his concluding remarks at the conference, Mr. Dong Van Thanh, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, assigned the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to issue relevant decisions within its authority and lead, direct, and organize the implementation of the projects in accordance with regulations.
At the same time, the Party Committee of the Provincial People's Committee is responsible for organizing the implementation of projects under its authority, ensuring proper procedures according to legal regulations.
In addition, coordinate with the Provincial Party Committee's Organizing Committee to study and propose to the Provincial Party Committee's Standing Committee to give directions and continue to streamline the apparatus of a number of agencies and units outside the Central's orientations when conditions permit.
Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Committee of Hau Giang province Dong Van Thanh also requested relevant agencies and units to specify and propose the implementation of Decree 178/2025 of the Government on regimes and policies for cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers when implementing the arrangement and streamlining of the apparatus in accordance with local realities and the province's budget balancing capacity.
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