- The Vietnam Military History Museum (in Hanoi) has attracted tens of thousands of visitors every day since its opening. Why does a place displaying relics and artifacts of the past attract so much attention?
- The large, modern construction scale is the most obvious plus point. The public is interested, because they will have a comprehensive, seamless view when they come there. Another important thing is the way the museum is built towards the public, listening to make appropriate adjustments. If visitors are recorded about their feedback related to their needs, they will certainly be more satisfied. - Does that mean the museum can still connect with the real needs of life? - Any cultural institution is seamless from the past to the present and the future. For a long time, most museums in our country have not ensured this, and are not very public-oriented. There are museums that are well-organized but mainly attract foreign visitors due to limited domestic media. If these things are improved soon, the museum will become a familiar destination for the people of our country, especially the young. - Attracting visitors also creates a source of revenue for reinvestment, collecting more diverse artifacts, and using modern technology. With a scientific approach, connecting with the new flow of contemporary life, the museum will have long-lasting appeal.
Source: https://www.sggp.org.vn/hap-dan-dai-lau-post769616.html
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