The "unimaginable" journey of winning a hat-trick of international awards for vacuum-packed milk
Việt Nam•07/07/2024
Not only achieving the AAA standard milk certificate according to Vinamilk's strict evaluation criteria, Green Farm vacuum-packed milk products also continuously reaped 3 prestigious international awards for flavor and purity.
However, the journey from the fresh milk production process to these successes requires careful preparation, meticulousness and relentless determination from the entire team creating Green Farm products with outstanding quality. AAA standard milk conquers strict global safety standards . Determining from the beginning the standards that need to be achieved for Green Farm vacuum milk products, Vinamilk has systematically invested in a modern farm scale, applied advanced technology and sustainable farming methods to create the best environment for the development of cows. Green Farm is Vinamilk's first large-scale farm with a standard of 70% green area, applying a circular economic model. For 3 years, Vinamilk has left the entire farm area unused, allowing the land to rest, regenerate fertility and especially wash away chemical residues in the soil. Since then, the entire pasture - the food source for the cows - has been raised using completely organic methods on this clean land, without using any pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
Vinamilk's Green Farms have a standard of 70% green area, applying a circular economic model to provide a completely organic food source for cows, without using pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
The cows are also cared for according to strict procedures, limiting diseases, with each individual only being treated a maximum of 3 times/year and most importantly, no antibiotics are used. Notably, the farm has invested in a medicinal herb garden, including many types of plants such as plantain, mint, gotu kola, garlic, mugwort, grass, perilla, Malabar spinach, and lang leaves. These plants are used to treat diseases and wounds in dairy cows, helping to avoid the use of antibiotics. All these efforts have been duly rewarded when in early 2023, Vinamilk Green Farm vacuum-packed milk was honored to receive the Clean Label Project certification. This is a prestigious certification based on strict standards for heavy metal residues, microplastics and other harmful chemicals that may remain in the product. These testing criteria not only aim to ensure consumer safety, but also set higher requirements for the superior quality of the product. Among these criteria, it is worth mentioning that there are extremely strict indicators, for example, the heavy metal limit of Clean Label Project is 3 to 125 times stricter than the Vietnamese standard (depending on the indicator). Clean Label Project also provides some indicators that Vietnam has never regulated, such as: the concentration of chemical groups such as: BPA, BPS, Phthalates - substances that affect hormones and human health, especially children; Acrylamide - a compound that can cause some cancers; Parabens - a group of some chemical preservatives.
Cows raised in a pure natural environment are a prerequisite for creating AAA standard milk.
Thanks to Vinamilk's closed and advanced fresh milk production process, especially the strategy focusing on input quality control, Vinamilk Green Farm's AAA standard milk products have made a difference with superior quality. To achieve the AAA standard milk title, the cows of Green Farm farms are carefully cared for with a diet adjusted for each individual, combining 20 types of grass and seeds of natural origin, thereby creating a source of vacuum-packed milk that is safe, pure and meets the strict requirements of the Clean Label Project. The premium taste of vacuum-packed milk is guaranteed by the top 1% of chefs in the world . In 2023, Vinamilk continues to bring Green Farm vacuum-packed milk to international arenas and achieves success when being honored with the "Premium Taste" at the Superior Taste Award - an international award likened to a Michelin star for food and beverage products with superior quality. The Superior Taste Award is determined based on 5 criteria of the international Hedonic sensory analysis (AFNOR XP V096A). These criteria include first impression, sight, smell, taste and texture (for food) or final feeling or aftertaste (for drinks). The special thing is that to be honored at this prestigious award, the product must conquer the jury with high expertise and strict standards. This jury consists of more than 200 leading taste experts in the world. Among them, there are experts from chef and sommelier associations such as Le Guide Michelin, Gault & Millau; 10 royal chefs from England, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Qatar in the top 1% of chefs in the world... Notably, they are completely unaware of product information except for the type and conduct the assessment in a random way.
The fresh milk production process helps preserve the "fresh flavor" and bring AAA standard milk products to consumers.
With the goal of conquering the taste buds of demanding experts, Vinamilk has tirelessly sought solutions to preserve the full flavor and benefits of fresh milk. After two years of persistent research, Vinamilk has successfully applied the fresh milk production process to create vacuum-packed milk, helping to eliminate up to 50% of free oxygen radicals - the main factor affecting the uniformity and flavor of milk. This fresh milk production process not only possesses superior quality when it retains the fresh taste of freshly squeezed milk, but also because the aroma and fat of the milk are completely retained. The gentle flavor of vacuum-packed milk, with a hint of grass and flowers, combined with a sweet aftertaste, gives users a complete experience of the quintessence of nature. This technology is the key to ensuring the benefits of fresh milk, preserving the natural, unique flavor of milk, creating the difference and uniqueness of AAA Green Farm standard milk. The care that brings fresh milk to the world After winning two awards from the Clean Label Project and the Superior Taste Award, Vinamilk Green Farm AAA standard milk once again affirmed the superior quality of vacuum-packed milk when it continued to win the Gold Award at Monde Selection, another prestigious international award.
From the stage of selecting breeds, raising cows to the closed fresh milk production process, all are meticulously cared for, creating the pure flavor of Vinamilk Green Farm milk, conquering consumers and the world's leading flavor experts.
The Monde Selection awards highlight the finest European industry standards. The award evaluates products based on a range of factors, not only on external sensory criteria such as color, texture and taste, but also on internal aspects such as chemistry and bacteriology. The aim is to provide highly professional assessments that most accurately reflect the true value of the product. Each year, approximately 3,000 brands from more than 90 countries around the world submit their products to the Monde Selection International Quality Institute for testing. Each product will be individually evaluated by the Evaluation Council based on up to 25 criteria, from attractiveness, information and packaging design, deliciousness, aftertaste, to product safety and transparency parameters such as: ISO, GMP, HACCP. Green Farm vacuum-packed milk had to pass 200 visual, olfactory, taste, texture, aftertaste and natural ingredient tests lasting 5 months to achieve the Monde Selection Gold Award, the highest award in the categories to affirm outstanding quality.
Thanks to the modern fresh milk production process and breakthrough technology, AAA Green Farm standard milk has received many prestigious international awards.
It is the meticulousness in each stage: designing the farm environment, choosing to raise purebred cows, ensuring care or applying the fresh milk production process, that Vinamilk has created a vacuum-packed milk line with superior quality with a delicious, smooth taste, with a faint scent of grass and flowers, conquering the strict standards in terms of both the senses and quality of this "Oscar" in the food industry. True to the spirit of "devotion, doing it to the end", Vinamilk has continuously researched, tested and improved over a long period of time to bring consumers the best. Each vacuum-packed milk box is created with care and dedication, from the initial research stage to the final part of the fresh milk production process. Recognition from prestigious international organizations not only confirms the superior quality of Vinamilk Green Farm vacuum-packed milk but also shows the pioneering role of this brand in bringing the benefits of fresh milk to consumers as well as setting new standards in the industry. Source:
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