Quang Ninh Two men, 64 and 57 years old, ate grilled quail and vomited, had difficulty breathing, had numbness in their limbs, then fell into a deep coma, their lives were in danger.
On June 10, Dr. Nguyen The Hung, Head of the Intensive Care Unit at Bai Chay Hospital, said that both of them received emergency detoxification, intensive resuscitation, mechanical ventilation, and gastric lavage for 24 hours. Currently, the patient is out of danger, vital signs are stable, has muscle reflexes, and limbs respond to doctors' orders. However, the patient needs to be closely monitored to prevent complications.
Previously, two patients ate grilled sea urchin. After eating, they experienced numbness in their lips and tongue, weakness in their limbs, vomiting, and difficulty breathing, with a fatal prognosis.
The poisoned patient is being actively monitored at the hospital. Photo: Provided by the hospital
Tetrodotoxin in sea urchins is a dangerous poison, concentrated mainly in the ovaries. This poison can withstand high temperatures, and the toxin remains when boiled, exposed to the sun or dried. Therefore, cooked sea urchin meat may still contain the toxin.
Sea buckthorn toxin has a strong impact on the nervous system, cardiovascular system and digestion. When eaten, the patient may experience numbness of the lips, tongue, hands, feet, paralysis of motor and respiratory muscles, dilated pupils, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and may cause arrhythmia and hypotension. Patients are susceptible to respiratory failure, brain hypoxia, nerve damage, cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, and even rapid death if not treated promptly.
There is currently no specific antidote. Doctors recommend that if someone is found to be poisoned by eating sea cucumber, they should be taken to the nearest medical facility for timely emergency treatment.
Seahorse. Photo: Wikipedia
Minh An
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