In recent years, Hai Lang district has been implementing many key and dynamic projects of the province, especially large projects in the Southeast Quang Tri Economic Zone such as My Thuy Port and Quang Tri Industrial Park (phase 1). This is a favorable opportunity and room for Hai Lang district to continue to call for attracting investment resources for development. However, in order for investment projects to be implemented smoothly and on schedule, local site clearance is extremely important.
Land clearance, a "lever" to support and attract investment
Hai Lang district identifies site clearance work as playing an important role in investing in construction of works and projects serving socio-economic development and maintaining national defense and security. This is a difficult and complicated issue but is extremely important in ensuring the successful implementation of projects, especially key projects, contributing to creating a breakthrough in the socio-economic development of the locality.
Urgent construction of Quang Tri Industrial Park site - Photo: HNK
Accordingly, the district proactively publicizes the project, the State's regimes and policies on compensation and support for land acquisition so that people are aware. Specialized agencies and localities focus on reviewing and inventorying land, classifying land, providing information on land plot measurements, and the current land status of each household. Regularly check the process of measuring, determining the area, land type, land plot, and establishing land acquisition records, resolutely not allowing cases of intentionally falsifying records for personal gain.
Organize and implement propaganda and mobilization work based on the principle of "Doing easy first, doing difficult later", with the motto: "Going to every alley - knocking on every door - checking each target"; "What target, what method", consulting with the elderly, prestigious people, core forces in the locality; mobilizing and promoting the exemplary role of cadres, civil servants, and party members in implementing, doing first, setting an example; classifying targets into groups to have appropriate propaganda and mobilization measures. With the enthusiasm of each cadre doing mass mobilization work, gradually people have understood, changed their awareness, grasped the mechanism, policies and agreed.
Therefore, from 2015 to present, the district has handed over clean land on time for 124 projects, including key national, provincial and district projects such as: Hai Khe resettlement area and road to the resettlement area, Cam Lo - La Son Expressway, Quang Trach - Doc Soi 500kV power line, Central road along the axis of Southeast Quang Tri Economic Zone through Hai Lang district, Hai An resettlement area (phase 1), My Thuy port concrete structure factory, Southeast Quang Tri Economic Zone clean water treatment plant, Stainless steel and alloy steel factory...
Thereby, many key projects of the province and central government in the area were built and put into operation on schedule, contributing to promoting the socio-economic development of the locality.
The actual results achieved in compensation, site clearance and implementation of key projects in the district have shown the drastic participation of the entire political system, including the leadership role of Party committees at all levels, the management and administration of the government, the participation of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations, which have promoted the combined strength of the entire political system, creating favorable conditions for synchronous, consistent and timely implementation, especially in the work of propaganda and mobilization of the people.
Party committees and authorities at all levels, especially grassroots Party cells, must clearly identify this as a key and urgent political task, promptly grasp and take measures to resolve difficulties and problems as soon as they arise, and at the same time strictly handle cases of cadres and Party members who are not exemplary in complying with legal regulations.
In particular, specialized agencies closely coordinate with the People's Committees of communes and towns and agencies, departments and branches to manage land according to approved land use plans and plans, prevent encroachment, illegal construction and limit disputes, ensure the basis for correctly determining the current status, origin and time of land use, serve well the review, pricing, and development of compensation and support plans accurately and in accordance with regulations.
At the same time, prevent cases of illegal construction and creation of assets on land for the purpose of profiteering when reclaiming land; strictly enforce land inventory, land recovery and construction protection for cases of deliberate resistance and non-compliance with land recovery decisions of competent state agencies.
For each specific project, a detailed land acquisition plan is developed, clearly defining the time frame for completing each task according to the land acquisition process, clearly assigning and delegating tasks for each job. When planning and implementing land acquisition, it is necessary to ensure the prescribed order and procedures and the reality of each project, while flexibly applying the steps in the order to shorten the land acquisition time while still ensuring compliance with legal regulations.
The work of confirming the origin, land user, and land type takes a lot of time, so the local commune where the project is located has paid attention and focused time on confirming the origin of land use and land users to provide to the unit implementing the land acquisition and clearance to proceed with pricing and publicize the land acquisition and clearance plan and budget for people to know and implement.
Proactively build resettlement areas and promptly arrange resettlement land for people before people hand over the land to build projects. To create people's trust in land acquisition and compensation, the district has fully implemented the process of publicity, transparency and dialogue with the subjects whose land is acquired, at the same time strengthening inspection and supervision of the implementation process to promptly detect and overcome shortcomings in order to minimize questions and complaints from people whose land is acquired, speeding up the progress of land acquisition for assigned projects.
Pay special attention to career conversion and job creation for workers whose land is subject to land acquisition. Develop projects and plans for vocational training, job support, and career conversion support that are appropriate to the local situation.
Striving to become an industrial center
Currently, facing new opportunities and fortunes, the requirements of socio-economic development and the roadmap for industrialization and modernization of urban and rural areas, with the role and position of Hai Lang district, it is necessary and appropriate to orient the development planning to become the southern economic center of Quang Tri province, a key industrial district before 2030 and become a town by 2040.
Accordingly, Hai Lang district clearly defines the goals and roadmap for comprehensive socio-economic development in the direction of industry-service-agriculture, becoming the southern economic driving force of the province.
Building an industry with new production capacity, high adaptability and resilience; having a high growth rate to be the main driving force for economic growth. Service industries are restructured synchronously and effectively on the basis of modern technology and digital technology, forming a number of new service industries with high added value. Developing clean agriculture in a natural, organic, sustainable and ecological direction. Mobilizing all resources to synchronously develop industrial, service and urban technical infrastructure.
Strive to increase the production value growth rate in the period of 2025-2030 to an average of 14-15%/year. Average income per capita reaches 130-160 million VND/year. State budget revenue in the area increases by an average of over 20%/year in the period of 2023-2030. The production value of industry, handicrafts and construction reaches 14,000-15,000 billion VND/year, accounting for 49-50% of the district's production value structure; accounting for 15-17% of the province's industrial production value.
The average annual growth rate in the period 2023-2030 is 17-20%/year. The land use area for industrial development is 2,664 hectares, of which: economic zone is 2,000 hectares; industrial zones and clusters are 664 hectares.
The textile sector of Phong Phu International Joint Stock Company provides stable jobs for hundreds of workers in Hai Lang - Photo: HNK
On that basis, Hai Lang district focuses on promoting investment and mobilizing resources to focus on investment in developing industry and handicrafts. Review, adjust and supplement the planning for industry and handicrafts development in the district in accordance with the socio-economic development planning of the district and the province until 2030, with a vision to 2050; in accordance with the district's regional construction planning, provincial planning for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050, ensuring synchronous development, maximizing the potential and advantages of the district.
Take advantage of the province's industrial promotion capital to invest in completing technical infrastructure (traffic, drainage, wastewater treatment), striving to reach 82% occupancy rate of the 3 existing industrial parks by 2025, and 100% by 2030. Implement investment projects to expand Hai Chanh industrial park, scale 75 ha; relocate Dien Sanh industrial park. Establish new industrial parks: Hai Truong, Thuong Lam and Dien Sanh 2. Quickly implement investment planning for the urban-industrial-commercial-service-tourism complex in the Thuong-Hung intersection area (Vico) with a scale of about 400 ha.
Focus on implementing well the site clearance work of the province's key projects in Hai Lang district, coordinate to support investors in implementing the Quang Tri Industrial Park project (phase 1), My Thuy port project (phase 1) according to the approved schedule, implement the site clearance plan for phase 2 (175.42 ha), phase 3 (208.38 ha) and projects in the Southeast Quang Tri Economic Zone, associated with investment promotion and attraction activities.
Urge investors to implement projects to ensure the progress of basic construction investment, and put them into operation as committed to create industrial product value, contributing to bringing industrial production value to the right structure and development speed according to the set goals.
In particular, developing multi-sector industry but must ensure not to cause environmental pollution, encourage combination with service and urban functions, create conditions for effective, flexible and harmonious exploitation of land funds. Prioritize the development of industries with strengths such as: electricity, wood processing, mechanical industry, manufacturing, construction materials production, silicate industry, processing of agricultural, forestry and aquatic products.
Develop labor-intensive industries such as textiles, electronics, and supporting industries for industries in the Southeast Quang Tri Economic Zone and Quang Tri Industrial Park. Establish key facilities to supply raw materials and consume products for industrial and handicraft production facilities in the district. Encourage and support industrial and handicraft production facilities to invest in depth, innovate equipment technology, and apply advanced scientific and technological advances in production.
Continue to encourage the development of traditional occupations that meet the criteria of rural craft villages, combined with the OCOP Program, promoting application and transactions on e-commerce platforms. Build a set of documents and information on small-scale industries and craft villages in Hai Lang district as a basis for promoting and developing craft village tourism.
Organize well the planning and planning management work, especially the construction planning of Hai Lang district until 2040, with a vision to 2050, ensuring the connection of the provincial planning for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050. Complete the planning of urban-industrial service areas around the Quang Tri Industrial Park project; plan trade-service points in the communes: Hai Duong, Hai Que, Hai Ba, Hai Hung, Hai Dinh, Hai Phong, Hai Thuong.
Focusing resources on investment in projects to develop the technical infrastructure system. Completing the upgrading and expansion of national highways to meet the standards of grade III roads. Planning the construction of 26 district roads to ensure the connection of functional areas in the district with the provincial road system, national highways and expressways. Investing in the construction and upgrading of the clean water supply system in the South of the province to meet the living needs of the people and economic zones and industrial parks.
Hai Lang District Party Secretary Nguyen Khanh Vu said: “Regarding the orientation and mechanisms, policies for developing Hai Lang district into a key industrial district are placed within the overall socio-economic development strategy of the province; ensuring close connections with neighboring areas.
Focus on exploiting and effectively using potentials and advantages, especially in terms of land and geographical location; taking advantage of investment opportunities of key projects in the area and specific policies of the province; mobilizing maximum investment resources to create a breakthrough in investment and development. The most important goal and task in the coming years is to build Hai Lang district to develop rapidly but ensure sustainability, harmony and its own identity.
To do so, it is necessary to innovate the way of thinking, working, thinking, creativity and efficiency of each cadre, party member and people in accordance with the economic conditions of each period and the regional vision. Only then will Hai Lang have all the conditions, potential and resources to become a key economic district in the South of Quang Tri province.
Ho Nguyen Kha
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