The document signed by Deputy Director of Hanoi Department of Transport Dao Viet Long stated: "Giao thong Newspaper has published a series of articles: "Infiltrating the "magic" vehicle transport business network". It reflects the phenomenon of transport units using fake license plates, "using the trick of fake registration in the form: After the vehicle owner takes a photo and sends the vehicle registration, through photoshop software, the letter T is erased and replaced with the letter V.
KIA car with license plate 30G-403.xx after installing fake yellow license plate to transport passengers.
Next, images of documents such as fake transport business registration and vehicle registration papers for transport business will be sent to the notary office for certification without the need for the original. The documents will then be uploaded to the website of the Hanoi Department of Transport to request a badge.
From here, the Hanoi Department of Transport requires Grab Company Limited and Be Group Joint Stock Company to coordinate with transport businesses to handle vehicles that violate the regulations as reported by the press, and stop providing services to the above vehicles.
Implement the inspection and review of vehicles and drivers for newly registered cars from January 1, 2021 to present using the Company's passenger connection service. Only provide services to vehicles and drivers that fully and correctly meet the conditions specified in Decree 10 of the Government regulating business and conditions for transport business as well as other relevant legal provisions.
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