Accordingly, regarding the approval and approval of adjustment of investment policies for projects using public investment capital, after reviewing the submission of the City People's Committee, the appraisal report of the Economic-Budget Committee of the City People's Council and the opinions of the delegates at the Session, the City People's Council resolved to approve the adjustment of the Technical Support Project Document "Preparing the investment project for Urban Railway Line No. 3, Hanoi Station to Hoang Mai section and Supporting the study of building an integrated urban transport system for the urban railway project" (non-refundable capital from ADB and EU).
At the same time, among the 27 projects submitted, the City People's Council unanimously approved the investment policy and adjusted the investment policy of 25 projects in the fields of urban transport, culture-society, irrigation and dykes. Two projects were not approved: the project to renovate Nui Truc and Nam Cao sidewalks (because the project has not been allocated capital in the medium-term plan, it is necessary to review the authority to approve the investment policy, current status...) and the project to restore the revolutionary relic of the resistance war at Cu Tac's rice shop - Cay Gao market Boi (as proposed by the City People's Committee to continue to be reviewed and submitted at the next meeting).
Notably, regarding the content of the Adjustment of the Public Investment Plan for 2024 and the updating and adjustment of the 5-year medium-term public investment plan for 2021-2025 at the city level, the Hanoi People's Council agreed not to approve 21 advanced new rural development projects because the City People's Committee has not yet satisfactorily explained their conformity with the principles, criteria, and priority order in capital allocation. The City People's Council requested the City People's Committee to direct relevant departments and branches to review and supplement them strictly, in accordance with regulations and in accordance with reality to submit to the City People's Council at the next session.
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