The Hanoi Department of Health has just issued Plan No. 3419/KH-SYT on improving people's satisfaction index with the quality and services of medical examination and treatment at medical facilities.
Improve patient satisfaction index
The Hanoi Department of Health directed units in the entire sector to focus on improving the professional qualifications, sense of responsibility and attitude towards patient care of medical staff in all departments and offices.
Patient satisfaction rates have been trending upward over time. |
First of all, the examination department ensures a one-way, convenient, and continuous examination process with the testing, imaging, and functional testing departments.
At the same time, apply information technology to shorten patient waiting time and manage medical examination information and data.
The Hanoi Department of Health requires medical facilities to avoid prescribing inpatient treatment in unnecessary cases to reduce the burden of service and reduce costs for patients.
Regularly collect feedback from patients and their families at the units through various forms such as suggestion boxes, suggestion books, hotlines, patient council meetings, and direct interview forms.
In addition, the Department of Health also requires ensuring human resources, facilities, equipment, drugs, etc. at the Department of Emergency - Intensive Care and Anti-Poison, emergency departments of clinical departments are always ready, fully equipped according to regulations; comply with the "Red Alert" process in the hospital, outside the hospital; prevent medical incidents.
In the Anesthesia and Resuscitation Department, one-way rooms are arranged according to regulations. In the operating room, each room must be fully equipped with equipment, facilities, drugs, oxygen systems, compressed air, vacuum machines, anesthesia machines with ventilators, monitors, electric syringe pumps, etc.
In clinical departments, it is necessary to improve emergency capacity and perfect the department's emergency unit.
Perform well routine techniques, technical catalogs according to classification and deploy new and advanced techniques to improve treatment quality.
Support patients in completing administrative procedures; limit sharing beds; meet patients' minimum needs...
In the testing department, it is necessary to comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Health on testing quality management, laboratory quality, ensuring biosafety...
Clearly assign staff to be in charge of each stage in the testing and result delivery process, link the responsibility of technical staff to the quality of test results, and carry out internal and external inspections according to regulations.
It is known that in the second quarter of 2024, the Hanoi Department of Health conducted a survey to assess patient satisfaction at 41/42 public hospitals and 40/43 non-public hospitals.
The results showed that the overall satisfaction level of patients and residents with the hospital sector was 97.2%; for inpatients it was 96.63%, and for outpatients it was 96.74%.
The survey results of outpatients coming for examination and treatment at general clinics and health stations of 30 district, town and city health centers and 115 emergency centers achieved an average satisfaction rate of 95.76%.
Signs of cerebral aneurysm
Ms. NTH (46 years old) in Phu Yen, Son La, with symptoms of frequent headaches accompanied by nausea. She went to Phu Tho General Hospital for examination, and was prescribed a 3.0T MRI of the brain vessels, the results discovered that Ms. H. had a wide neck aneurysm of the internal carotid artery on both sides of the cavernous sinus.
The left carotid artery has a higher risk of rupture, so the doctors in the team placed a stent to divert the flow first, and the right carotid artery will be done later.
The aneurysm size is 4.5mm x 5.5mm with a 4mm neck. This is the cause of the persistent headaches that Ms. H. has to endure.
In the case of patient H, after the brain aneurysm was detected, the patient was consulted by highly specialized doctors in the field of cerebrovascular intervention at the Stroke Center, Phu Tho General Hospital and was prescribed a stent to divert the flow to treat the aneurysm.
After being advised that a brain aneurysm can rupture at any time and the danger level when the aneurysm ruptures will leave very serious consequences, even death.
The patient had a stent placement procedure to divert cerebral blood flow by doctors at the Stroke Center, the intervention time was only about 2 hours.
Immediately after stent placement, blood flow into the aneurysm was significantly reduced and controlled, and the risk of aneurysm rupture was also reduced.
Doctor Phan Ngoc Nhu, Head of the Subacute Stroke Neurology Department, directly intervened with the patient and explained that when blood no longer flows into the aneurysm, the aneurysm will gradually form a blood clot inside, and after a while the aneurysm will disappear completely.
In the long term, endothelial cells crawl up the stent, forming a new endovascular layer. The endovascular intervention for the patient with NTH was successful with no complications during and after the intervention.
After placing a flow-diverting stent, the patient can still function and walk normally and can be discharged after a few days.
Dr. Nhu added that cerebral aneurysm affects about 5% of the population. What is worrying is that the symptoms are vague, just headaches, so they are easily confused with other causes of the disease.
However, if left untreated, the aneurysm will gradually enlarge over time and can rupture at any time.
To detect cerebral aneurysm early, the only way is to perform a screening cerebral angiogram in high-risk subjects, middle-aged people from 45 years old and up, with family factors, and diseases that affect the quality of blood vessel walls such as diabetes, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, obesity, etc.
Those who have persistent headaches that do not go away with treatment should also be screened with an MRI. In unclear cases, a DSA scan should be performed to examine the blood vessels.
Kidney failure due to heatstroke
A 60-year-old man went to the field to spray pesticides in the hot noon sun. When he returned home, he had muscle cramps, was sweating, and thirsty. He was hospitalized and diagnosed with kidney failure due to heatstroke.
Information from doctors at Hung Vuong General Hospital diagnosed the patient with hypovolemic shock, rapid pulse (110 beats/minute), low blood pressure (80/40mmHg), acute renal failure, increased metabolic acidosis due to heatstroke, heat shock. The emergency team placed a central venous catheter and rehydrated and rehydrated the patient.
After three hours of emergency treatment, the patient's condition is stable and continues to be monitored in the Intensive Care Unit.
Sunstroke and heatstroke are common phenomena in the summer, on hot days, when the temperature suddenly increases. Sunstroke and heatstroke cause fatigue, dizziness, headaches, and can lead to stroke.
If not treated promptly, the patient may suffer irreversible neurological sequelae or multi-organ damage and death.
To prevent heatstroke, when going out, cover your body by wearing loose, light, light-colored clothing, a wide-brimmed hat, and use sunscreen.
Drink plenty of water, even if you don't feel thirsty, mix in a little salt or drink oral rehydration solution, fruit juice, avoid carbonated soft drinks and energy drinks.
People with sunstroke or heatstroke need to be taken to a cool, airy place and emergency assistance should be called.
Apply cooling measures to reduce temperature such as removing clothes and applying cool compresses to the body. Give the victim plenty of water or electrolyte solution to drink if conscious and able to drink. Quickly take the victim to the nearest hospital for timely treatment.
Doctors recommend that in the summer, avoid working in the harsh sunlight from 11am to 2pm and avoid wearing too many tight, non-absorbent clothes.
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