Hanoi People's Committee has approved the project of Local adjustment of urban zoning plan of West Lake area and vicinity (A6), scale 1/2000 at planning land plot code O1-P3.
Hanoi partially adjusts urban zoning plan for West Lake area and vicinity
Hanoi People's Committee has approved the project of Local adjustment of urban zoning plan of West Lake area and vicinity (A6), scale 1/2000 at planning land plot code O1-P3.
Vice Chairman of Hanoi People's Committee Duong Duc Tuan has just signed and issued Decision No. 6181/QD-UBND on approving the project of Local adjustment of urban zoning plan of West Lake area and vicinity (A6), scale 1/2000 at planning land plot code O1-P3 (land use planning part). Location in Quang An ward, Tu Lien ward, Tay Ho district, Hanoi city.
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The adjustment objective is to supplement the green land fund to enhance the landscape for the area on both sides of Vo Chi Cong Street. It serves as a basis for research to establish local adjustments to the detailed planning, scale 1/500, and to establish an investment project to build green areas and parks; it serves as a basis for local authorities and agencies to manage investment and construction according to the planning.
Accordingly, the local adjustment of the urban zoning plan of the West Lake area and vicinity (A6), scale 1/2000 at the land plot code O1-P3 (land use planning section) on the basis of ensuring synchronous connection of the technical infrastructure network and traffic around the area. Local adjustment according to the approved urban zoning plan of the West Lake area and vicinity (A6), scale 1/2000 and still ensuring to meet the parking needs of the project according to the approved plan.
Other contents outside the scope of the Local Adjustment Project's boundary mentioned above are kept unchanged according to the Urban Subdivision Plan of West Lake Area and vicinity (A6), scale 1/2000 approved by Hanoi People's Committee in Decision No. 4177/QD-UBND, dated August 8, 2014 and other relevant decisions and regulations.
Ensure compliance with the procedures prescribed by the Law on Urban Planning; Comply with national technical regulations on construction planning and current design standards.
Regarding land use planning adjustment, according to the Urban Zoning Plan of West Lake Area and vicinity (A6), scale 1/2000 approved by Hanoi People's Committee in Decision No. 4177/QD-UBND dated August 8, 2014, the land subject to local planning adjustment study belongs to the planning block coded O1-P3, with an area of about 0.34 ha, with the function of a parking lot. The architectural planning indicators include: construction density 50-70%; 3-storey height.
Now adjust the land use function at the planning block coded O1-P3 from parking lot land to urban green land (including trees, flower gardens,...). The architectural planning indicators are consistent with the approved orientation of the Urban Zoning Plan for the West Lake Area and vicinity (A6), scale 1/2000 and the National Technical Regulations on construction planning.
Regarding the organization of landscape architectural space, research on the organization of landscape architectural space for green land and flower gardens serving the area in harmony with the general landscape of the works adjacent to Vo Chi Cong Street and the surrounding area, complying with National Technical Regulations on construction planning, Specialized design standards and related regulations.
The organization of space, architecture and landscape must comply with the master plan of land use with planning criteria according to specialized regulations; ensure requirements on fire prevention and fighting safety, environmental sanitation, traffic safety...
Regarding technical infrastructure planning, comply with the Urban Zoning Plan for the West Lake Area and vicinity (A6), scale 1/2000 approved by the Hanoi People's Committee in Decision No. 4177/QD-UBND, dated August 8, 2014.
The Hanoi People's Committee assigns the Tay Ho District People's Committee and the planning consultancy unit to be responsible for the legal organization, quality, data, accuracy, consistency, and synchronization with the system of drawings, explanations, and management regulations.
Tay Ho District People's Committee is responsible for presiding over and coordinating with the Department of Planning and Architecture to organize the public announcement of the Local Adjustment of the Zoning Plan so that agencies, organizations, individuals and the community can know.
Source: https://baodautu.vn/batdongsan/ha-noi-dieu-chinh-cuc-bo-quy-hoach-phan-khu-do-thi-khu-vuc-ho-tay-va-phu-can-d231362.html
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