According to statistics from the Department of Education and Training, the number of students graduating from grade 9 this year is 129,210, of which 69,805 candidates were admitted to grade 10 public high schools (55.7%) - the average competition ratio is 1:1.85. Last year, the competition ratio for grade 10 public schools was 1:1.67 on average and in 2021 it is 1:1.61. Thus, the competition ratio for grade 10 this year is expected to be the highest in the past three years.
Khuong Ha High School has the highest competition ratio in the city at 1/3.55, followed by Kim Lien High School with a ratio of 1/2.61, and Nguyen Van Cu High School with a ratio of 1/2.51.
The Department of Education and Training also plans to enroll 30,000 students in autonomous public or private schools (23.2%), the rest will be recruited into vocational education and continuing education centers.
Number of candidates applying to each public high school for the 2023-2024 school year:
Last year, Yen Hoa High School had the highest number of applications for the first round of admission in the city (2,048 applications, admission target of 675 students - ratio of 1 to 3), followed by Phan Dinh Phung High School (1,579 applications, admission target of 675 - ratio of 2.3), and Viet Duc High School (1,570 applications, admission target of 675 - ratio of 2.3).
According to the public 10th grade entrance exam plan this year, on the morning of June 10, candidates will take the Literature exam, and in the afternoon of the same day, they will take the Foreign Language exam. On June 11, candidates will take the Math exam in the morning and have a break in the afternoon.
The Math and Literature exams are in essay format, with a duration of 120 minutes for each subject. For the Foreign Language subject, candidates will take a 60-minute multiple-choice test, choosing one of the following languages: English, French, German, Japanese, or Korean.
Grade 10 admission score = (Math score + Literature score) x 2 + Foreign language score + Priority score.
The city is still divided into 12 enrollment areas. Each student can register up to three options for three public high schools, ranked in order of priority. Of which, the first and second options must be in the enrollment area according to regulations, the third option is not required. Students cannot change their options after registration.
Students who have passed their first choice will not be considered for the following choices. If they fail their first choice, they will be considered for their second and third choices, but must have an admission score 1-2 points higher than the school's standard score.
High schools must enroll students by region, except for Chu Van An High School and Son Tay High School, which enroll non-specialized students from across the city.
For the two specialized high schools Hanoi - Amsterdam, Nguyen Hue and specialized classes of Chu Van An High School, Son Tay, to register for the exam, candidates must pass the preliminary round. This round is based on the results of cultural competitions, talents, academic rankings, and high school graduation. Each criterion ranges from 1-5 points.
If the candidate scores 10 points or more in the preliminary round, he/she is eligible for the entrance exam. Candidates who register for a specialized class will take the exam in that specialized subject, except for the specialized IT class, which takes the exam in Math. The specialized exams last 150 minutes, except for Foreign Language and Chemistry, which last 120 minutes.
Students can register for up to two schools (can be in the same specialized subject) or two specialized classes in the same school, as long as the specialized exam schedules do not overlap.
Admission score for specialized grade 10 = Total score of non-specialized exams + Specialized exam score x 2.
Ha Cuong
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