Resolution 11-NQ/TW, dated June 3, 2017 of the Party Central Committee (12th tenure) on perfecting the socialist-oriented market economic institution defines the general goal: Continuing to perfect the socialist-oriented market economic institution to create a solid foundation for the successful construction and synchronous and smooth operation of the socialist-oriented market economy; contributing to mobilizing, allocating and using all resources most effectively to promote rapid and sustainable socio-economic development for the goal of "rich people, strong country, democracy, fairness and civilization". Over the past 6 years, Binh Thuan has focused on leading and directing the implementation and achieved many important results, contributing to the implementation of strategic policies for the national economy.
Implementing Resolution 11-NQ/TW, Binh Thuan has organized the deployment to the entire Party Committee to raise awareness of cadres, party members and people of all walks of life about the socialist-oriented market economy. Fully grasping the spirit of Resolution 11-NQ/TW on the basis of the legal system, mechanisms and policies of the Party and State, in recent years, Binh Thuan has fully implemented regulations on ownership, continued to review, promulgate and well implement policies and laws on land and resources; publicized and transparently managed and used public land, planning and annual land use plans. Strengthened supervision, strict management, and improved the efficiency of land use assigned to organizations and individuals. Regularly supported registration for protection, supported, created, managed and developed intellectual property for organizations and individuals. Implement measures to build and maintain the brand, improve quality and competitiveness to sustainably develop a number of key products and advantages of the province. Implement the Law on Management and Use of Public Assets well; strengthen guidance and inspection of implementation and promulgation of regulations related to the management regime and public assets. Approve the annual financial supervision plan to effectively carry out the inspection and supervision of the management and use of state capital and assets of state-owned enterprises and enterprises with state capital owned by the Provincial People's Committee according to regulations of the Government and instructions of the Ministry of Finance. Regularly review and reduce the time to handle administrative procedures on notarization, authentication, registration of secured assets, etc.
After 6 years of implementing Resolution 11-NQ/TW, the awareness of all levels, sectors, localities and each cadre, party member and people about the socialist-oriented market economy has been raised. Resources for investment in developing the market economy have been mobilized more; investment and development of essential infrastructure systems have been promoted. The labor market, real estate, science and technology, health care, education, culture, information and communication have made positive changes. Social security policies and care for people's lives have been fully and promptly implemented. The lives of policy families, poor households and ethnic minorities have been better cared for. The province always creates favorable conditions for businesses and people to access policies and laws on investment, finance, credit, land, etc. and pays attention to supporting and removing difficulties and obstacles for businesses and investors to implement projects. Environmental management, linking economic growth with progress, and social equity are basically guaranteed. Administrative procedure reform continues to receive attention from all levels and sectors; regular direction is given to improve the quality and efficiency of the work of cadres and civil servants; the quality of administrative procedure settlement for organizations and citizens is increasingly improved. The settlement of complaints and denunciations, and the prevention and fight against corruption and negativity are promoted. National defense and security work is strengthened and maintained.
In addition to the achieved results, Binh Thuan still has many difficulties and limitations such as: the labor, financial, science and technology markets... in the province are not yet strongly developed; the real estate market still has many difficulties. Determining specific land prices for calculating land use fees, land rents, and auctioning land use rights is still difficult and problematic. Most enterprises in the province are small-scale, have outdated technology, and low competitiveness; the qualifications and capacity of the business management team are still limited compared to the requirements of development and international economic integration. The lives of a part of the people and workers are still difficult. The effectiveness and efficiency of state management in some areas are still limited, especially in land, mineral resources, sanitation, and environment. Some policies to support enterprises and workers have not yet been effective...
To continue to effectively implement Resolution 11-NQ/TW, the first requirement is to continue to raise awareness of the socialist-oriented market economy for business management teams and workers. Focus on the leadership and direction of Party committees and authorities at all levels, enhance the role and responsibility of heads of Party committees, authorities, agencies, units and localities in the process of organizing the implementation of the resolution, overcome the situation of cadres being afraid of responsibility, pushing work, affecting the results of the resolution implementation. Thoroughly resolve the overlapping of planning (minerals, construction, tourism...) in the province, especially overlapping of titanium planning with other planning. Strengthen the mobilization of resources, infrastructure, human resources, and internal strength of the private economic sector in the province. At the same time, it is recommended that the Central Government consider developing a number of truly synchronous legal regulations to ensure that they keep up with the development needs of the market, especially in the fields of finance, science and technology, real estate, etc.
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