Students can refer to the answers to the English exam for grade 10 in Hanoi in 2023 with all codes: 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012, 013, 014, 015, 016, 017, 018, 019, 020, 021, 022, 023, 024 on VTC News. Below are suggested answers to the English exam for grade 10 in Hanoi, code 001.
Suggested answers for the English exam for grade 10 in Hanoi, code 001
Suggested answers for the English exam for grade 10 in Hanoi, code 001, are as follows:
The 10th grade entrance exam for English in Hanoi is 60 minutes in multiple choice format.
Tomorrow morning, you have a 120-minute math exam.
To be considered for admission, candidates must complete all exams, not violate regulations, and not have a score of 0 in any exam. The admission score for non-specialized high schools is the sum of Literature and Math scores multiplied by two, plus Foreign Language and priority scores.
Students who register for specialized schools will take an additional specialized subject test on June 12. The admission score for specialized 10th grade is the sum of the three Math, Literature, and Foreign Language exams and the specialized subject score multiplied by a factor of two.
Above are suggested answers to the English exam for grade 10 in Hanoi, code 001, for students and parents to refer to.
Thanh Thanh
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