On September 6, the Kremlin announced that it would impose restrictions on US media outlets in Russia, in response to Washington's sanctions on a series of Moscow media outlets.
RT is one of the Russian media outlets on the new US sanctions list. (Source: Getty Images) |
TASS news agency quoted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying that Moscow needs to "respond appropriately" to Western restrictions on its media.
"Russia criticizes the West for pursuing the path of undermining our media abroad, they hinder the dissemination of information, they hinder the work of our journalists," Mr. Peskov stressed.
Calling it a "tough confrontational situation", the Kremlin spokesman said: "Restrictive measures will be imposed on American media in Russia", confirming that some restrictions have already begun to be enforced.
However, he noted, Russia "will not take direct retaliatory measures. There are no state news agencies in the United States, nor state television channels in the United States."
Previously, on September 4, the US Treasury Department announced the imposition of sanctions on the Rossiya Segodnya media group and related units such as RIA Novosti, RT, TV-Novosti, Sputnik and Ruptly .
The sanctions also target RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan and several other senior leaders of these media outlets.
Source: https://baoquocte.vn/goi-don-trung-phat-moi-cua-my-la-doi-dau-gay-gat-nga-bat-dau-ra-tay-tra-mieng-285230.html
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