This type of seed contains many nutrients that are good for the user's health.
Besides sesame seeds and chia seeds, there is another type of seed that is considered a ''superfood'' for human health. That is flax seeds.
The English name of flaxseed is Flaxseeds, which belongs to the seeds of the Linum usitatissimum plant. Flaxseeds are small in size, brown or yellow in color. Flax plants are 1 - 4 cm long, upright, with alternate leaves. Compared to sesame seeds and chia seeds, flaxseeds are larger in size, with a harder and more brittle shell. They are often available in the form of seeds, oils, powders, tablets, capsules and flour for convenience of use.
Flaxseeds are called "superfoods" because they contain abundant nutrients, more than some vegetables and even fatty fish. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, about 7 grams of flaxseed powder contains 37.4 calories, 1.28 grams of protein, 2.95 grams of fat, 1.91 grams of fiber, 17.8 mg of calcium, ... and many other antioxidants. In particular, the amount of omega-3 found in flaxseeds is said to be more than salmon, so it can prevent dangerous diseases.
If you do not fully understand the uses of flaxseed, you can immediately follow the information below:
Prevent cancer
The first benefit of flaxseed is cancer prevention. Nutritionists and scientists have found effective anti-cancer compounds such as: Lignan, polyphenol,... in this seed.
Among them, polyphenols have the effect of controlling some types of cancer, including breast cancer. Lignan is also an effective antioxidant. Along with the abundant fiber content and omega-3 fatty acids, this type of seed also helps improve health and reduce the incidence of cancer in humans.
Blood sugar control
The blood sugar control effect of flaxseed has been shown by scientists. Accordingly, this type of seed will help reduce insulin resistance, the main factor causing type 2 diabetes thanks to its abundant fiber content, thereby slowing down the absorption of food, preventing the rapid absorption of carbohydrates that increase blood sugar.
In addition, flaxseed also helps reduce blood pressure naturally in humans by 2 mmHg, thereby reducing the risk of stroke by 14% and the risk of coronary artery disease by 6%.
Improve heart health
The phytosterol fatty acid content in flaxseed has the ability to compete with cholesterol absorption in the digestive tract. Omega-3 will help fight inflammation. Therefore, the content of healthy fats will increase while limiting bad fats to better protect the cardiovascular system.
Weight control
The next use of flaxseed is weight loss. According to experts, this type of seed has a high fiber content, so it will help people feel full longer, reduce cravings, and support digestive problems and constipation. In addition, choline in flaxseed will play a role in improving brain function.
Skin and hair beauty
Flaxseeds also contain ALA fats. These are proven to provide essential fatty acids and B vitamins, which effectively support hair and skin health. Therefore, adding flaxseeds to your diet can help reduce dry, flaky skin and brittle, broken hair.
Digestive support
Flaxseeds contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps slow down digestion, which helps regulate blood sugar and lower cholesterol. Insoluble fiber helps soften stools, prevents constipation, and improves digestion.
Some delicious dishes made with flaxseed
Some ways to prepare flaxseed that you can choose to make for yourself and your family are: Blending smoothies, baking with cookies, mixing with vegetable salad and mixing with oatmeal.
Notes when using flaxseed
Although flaxseed has many health benefits, users should still keep in mind the following notes:
- Flaxseed should be ground before use to avoid affecting digestion.
- Flaxseed should be stored in sealed, dark jars and kept away from sunlight to avoid affecting the quality of the seeds.
- Do not use raw or undercooked flaxseed.
- Do not eat too much flaxseed, you should only eat a maximum of about 50g of flaxseed in a day.
- Pregnant women, breastfeeding women, people with blood clotting disorders, breast cancer patients, people allergic to flax seeds,... should not use this type of seed.
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