Grade 12 students this school year will take the first high school graduation exam under the 2018 General Education program with both advantages and challenges.
The curriculum and textbooks are all new, and teachers are not familiar with them, so they are confused and do not have a clear understanding of the curriculum and textbooks, and do not cover the high school curriculum. Some schools used textbooks from one publisher last school year, but switched to textbooks from another publisher the following school year, so teachers did not "remember" the lessons, which limited students' ability to absorb the lessons, making them unsure of the knowledge, not understanding deeply, and having difficulty applying it.
12th grade students of Loc Phat High School (Bao Loc City, Lam Dong) take a test in the middle of the school yard.
Next, due to lack of funding for organizing extracurricular activities, the provision of experimental and practical equipment is slow and not uniform, leading to formal and coping learning and experience, not really being the main method of teaching and learning according to the new program.
This year's 12th grade students therefore really have difficulty with questions and exercises built from real-life situations.
In addition to the two compulsory subjects of math and literature, in the 2025 high school graduation exam, 12th graders are allowed to choose 2 subjects from among the following subjects: foreign languages, history, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, economic and legal education, information technology, and technology. Although students have less pressure, schools have to review more subjects (for each group of students), increasing the pressure on schools.
Faced with this reality, schools focus on training and practice to hone graduation exam solving skills and organize mock exams for 12th grade students. However, review activities absolutely do not mobilize contributions from parents, because that would be contrary to Circular 29 recently issued on extra teaching and learning.
Schools often arrange teachers with capacity, experience, responsibility, and dedication to guide and teach grade 12 students to help them achieve good results. However, grade 12 students also need to remember that teachers always try to review for them, but that is only half the story, the other half is the students' own efforts to overcome difficulties. Students need to have a good attitude towards studying, in addition to studying in class, they need to study at home, study with friends, etc.
During review time, in addition to investing in better lectures, teachers should also limit reprimanding and punishing students; instead, they should regularly encourage and help students reduce stress during review.
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