GĐXH - Actions that seem meaningless and you cannot explain why, to children they all have a reason.
1. Holding your breath scares your parents
Babies can cry and hold their breath for up to a minute, even causing their faces to stiffen and turn blue or gray. Believe it or not, this is not something they can really control.
This behavior occurs when a child feels angry, sad, scared, shocked, or hurt. Although it may sound scary, it usually doesn't cause any harm and usually stops by the time the child is 4-5 years old.
2. Regularly undress
Children do not feel ashamed to be naked. Therefore, children often take off their clothes freely anytime, anywhere, even in public.
When you see your child doing this, adults need to understand that he or she is feeling uncomfortable or hot.
Another reason is that children are learning to undress themselves, feeling that it is a skill that they can be independent.
3. Drink bath water
Young children may not understand that bath water is different from drinking water. They even play during bath time and consider water part of the fun.
4. Head banging
Some babies bang their heads against crib rails, pillows, or mattresses while sleeping or in the middle of the night. About 15% of babies do this.
Many adults consider it a manifestation of a disorder, while others believe it is a child's way of self-soothing, similar to thumb sucking.
According to psychologists, this behavior is harmless and will stop at some point. Therefore, parents do not need to worry or seek psychological treatment for their children.
5. Pushing things into your ears, nose, and eyes
Children love to explore the world. So when they put small objects in their ears, noses and eyes, this is their way of experiencing different objects, understanding how they work and what will happen if they do.
6. Eat strange food
Parents may notice that their children eat everything from boogers to insects to dirt. They just want to explore new things, experience them with their taste buds, and even find them delicious.
7. Want to read the same book over and over again
Listening to a story with a known ending helps children feel in control. This control gives children a sense of comfort.
As this happens over and over again, they learn that their parents will read them a book before bed, they know how the story will go, and they relax and fall asleep.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/giup-cha-me-giai-ma-7-hanh-dong-khong-the-hieu-noi-cua-tre-172241106165033335.htm
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