Keep unity like the apple of your eye
President Ho Chi Minh's first words about the Party, first of all, affirmed the position, role of organization and leadership of the Party in the revolutionary cause of our nation: "Thanks to close solidarity, wholeheartedly serving the working class, serving the people, serving the Fatherland, since its founding, our Party has united, organized and led our people to enthusiastically fight, gaining victory after victory."
Looking back at Uncle Ho's teachings on solidarity, we see that it is a great idea and also the key to the success of every revolutionary step.
Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairwoman of the Provincial People's Council Le Thi Kim Dung met with cadres, party members and people of Minh Huong commune (Ham Yen).
In the “Ho Chi Minh Complete Works” published by the National Political Publishing House, 839 out of 1,921 speeches and articles mentioned the issue of great solidarity, accounting for more than 40%. Studying his entire legacy, it can be seen that the word “solidarity” was mentioned by President Ho Chi Minh over 2,000 times and the phrase “great solidarity” over 80 times. That proves that President Ho Chi Minh’s greatest concern was the issue of great national solidarity and also shows us clearly the strategic scope of his ideology of solidarity.
Speaking at the National Day celebration on September 2, 1955, he emphasized: “Unity is an invincible force. The force of unity helped the August Revolution succeed. The force of unity helped the resistance win. The force of unity will mobilize the people from North to South to fight for peace, unity, independence and democracy throughout the country.”
As the founder and trainer of our Party, more than anyone else, he understood the great power of unity. He affirmed: “Unity is an extremely precious tradition of the Party and our people. Comrades from the Central Committee to the Party cells must preserve the unity and unanimity of the Party as they preserve the pupil of their eye”. Unity and solidarity within the Party is the basis of national unity and international unity, the strength of the Party and the source of all victories. Therefore, in the work of Party building, the issue of unity was given top priority by Uncle Ho, helping the Party to be clear-sighted in organizing and leading the people, and in determining the revolutionary path.
Self-criticism and criticism
Not only pointing out the great role of solidarity, President Ho Chi Minh also pointed out the ways and methods to implement solidarity and unanimity in the Party. That is "Practicing democracy widely, regularly and seriously self-criticizing and criticizing. There must be comradely love for each other". This is not only a summary and generalization of profound theoretical significance but also a manifestation of Ho Chi Minh's intellectual height.
Our Party is the ruling Party, democracy within the Party is the premise for implementing democracy among the people. Because of democracy, our Party has aroused and promoted the highest intelligence, improved its leadership capacity and fighting strength.
Criticism and self-criticism not only correct shortcomings in the Party, help Party members progress and become stronger, but also affirm that the Party is truly genuine. When giving instructions on implementing criticism and self-criticism in the Party, He noted that it must be done “regularly and seriously”. Because criticism and self-criticism that is not timely, not serious, criticism that is superficial, formal, “peace is precious” is ineffective and counterproductive.
A very humane content in Uncle Ho's teaching is "there must be mutual love". Because on the basis of mutual love and comradeship, we can practice "broad democracy", and criticism will be substantive. Without mutual love and comradeship, democracy will be a formality, taking advantage of democracy to punish and bring each other down.
The "root" of a cadre
In his Testament, President Ho Chi Minh requested: “Every party member and cadre must be truly imbued with revolutionary ethics, truly thrifty, honest, impartial and selfless.” Because revolutionary ethics is the “foundation” and “root” of a cadre. Revolutionary ethics is the basis that helps party members and cadres educate, persuade and lead the masses, and be a shining example for everyone to follow.
Admonishing: "We must keep our Party truly clean, worthy of being the leader, the truly loyal servant of the people", President Ho Chi Minh showed the broad vision of a genius leader.
Throughout the process of training and maturing, our Party has constantly built and rectified its politics, ideology, organization and ethics. The Party has created strength, unity of will and action, led the entire nation to defeat foreign invaders, brought the country back to unity; brought our country to a position, potential, position and prestige like never before.
Many directives, resolutions and regulations issued and implemented have demonstrated the Party's determination to build a clean and strong Party according to Uncle Ho's Testament. Most notably, the results of the anti-corruption campaign led by the Party have created strong trust among all classes of people in the Party.
Celebrating the 55th anniversary of implementing Uncle Ho's Testament, we have the right to be proud of the good nature, heroic tradition and glorious history of our Party - the Party founded and trained by him.
Proud to have Uncle Ho since the early years of the August Revolution and throughout the 9-year long resistance war against the French, the Party Committee and people of all ethnic groups in Tuyen Quang have been striving to study and follow Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and style; making achievements to celebrate the 55th anniversary of implementing Uncle Ho's Testament, promoting the tradition of humanity, loyalty and wholeheartedness to the revolutionary cause chosen by the Party and Uncle Ho; building Tuyen Quang to develop more and more.
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