"Price" or "dã dã", many sellers do not know that the word "dã" is actually a correct spelling.
Vietnamese has many words that sound the same, which confuses many people when writing. For example, many people wonder whether "giũ tử" or "dữ tử" is the correct spelling.
This is an adjective used to describe something that is strong, beyond the normal and can be dangerous.
So what do you think is the correct way to write it? Leave your answer in the comments section below.
Answer to the previous question: "Robbery" or "extortion"?
"Chấn trôi" is a misspelled word and has absolutely no meaning. If you ever use this word in your writing or essay, please be careful to avoid this mistake.
The correct answer is "extortion" - a verb that means the act of threatening someone to take their property.
Source: https://vtcnews.vn/giu-doi-hay-du-doi-moi-dung-chinh-ta-ar930426.html
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