Lawyer, actor Le Huu Thuy - Photo: Character's Facebook
The sudden passing of actor Le Huu Thuy shocked and saddened the television industry because he was still filming and texting people the day before.
Le Huu Thuy from lawyer to actor
Actor Le Huu Thuy was born in 1963 in Vinh Cuu, Dong Nai. Although he only plays supporting roles in movies or television, he is a familiar face on the small screen.
Interestingly, Le Huu Thuy is a lawyer. He came to acting with a love of art and made an effort to learn acting through each role.
Director Tran Ngoc Phong was also the first person to bring Le Huu Thuy to the acting profession.
He sadly said: "Mr. Thuy met me through a group of actor friends named Tran Kim Loi. He loved Le Be La's role in O lai the gioi - the film I made. At that time, he was a lawyer with a law office.
I asked him if he liked acting, so I offered him a role in five segments in the movie The Fountainhead (2012). He immediately agreed and went to Bao Loc to stay with the film crew for 10 days.
After that film, Thuy had a love affair with films. He has participated in more than 100 other films. He participated in all the films I made, such as Song pho nha ghe, Duyen no mien tay, Hon le mua thu, Con gio, Thach thu, Hip dong ban minh...
Actor Le Huu Thuy on set - Photo: Character's Facebook
"Brother, have a good sleep"
The movie career of lawyer and actor Le Huu Thuy is no more, leaving behind much grief for his colleagues.
Director Wei Ming Khang wrote: "We filmed many movies together, and we have many happy and sad memories. Yesterday, I made an appointment to meet at the set this morning.
But this morning we waited for you forever but you didn't come, called you but you didn't pick up. When your nephew Thuy came to tell us the news of your death this morning, I couldn't believe it.
Goodbye, my brother who always helped and was good to us. May you go peacefully...".
Director Vu Huan and actor Le Huu Thuy (right cover) - Photo: Character's Facebook
Director Vu Huan also did not believe that actor Le Huu Thuy had passed away. He wrote: "Dear Le Huu Thuy, it is truly heartbreaking to hear that you have passed away so suddenly...".
Actress Nguyen Hong Tham shared on her personal page: "Le Huu Thuy! Isn't that right? Please answer me and my friends."
Many friends and colleagues of actor Le Huu Thuy also sent condolences to the late actor's family:
"Life is truly unpredictable, we cannot know when the last time will be";
"I always love you because you are very cheerful and have a lovely personality. You are a person who loves your job and is devoted to it. Please have a good sleep"; "Now everything is just a memory, I will always love and miss you"...
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