In fact, some types of records and books are even more complicated than before. Although the Ministry of Education and Training has issued guidelines on records and books, encouraging the use of electronic records, teachers still have to do many types of paper records, wasting time and printing costs.
Spend a lot of time on bookkeeping
According to Circular No. 32 of the Ministry of Education and Training, teachers only have 3 types of records and books, specifically: teacher's education plan (by school year); lesson plan (lesson plan); student monitoring and evaluation book.
However, teachers who are also heads of professional groups have additional educational plans for the professional group (according to the school year, 5-6 types of plans); notebooks recording professional activities (minutes). Teachers who are also heads of homerooms have 4 types of records and books, but in reality there are many more.
The teaching plan framework of the professional group makes many group leaders frustrated. For combined professional groups and integrated groups, they have to make hundreds of pages of plans.
In the plan, in addition to the personal information of the team members, the characteristics of the situation, the list of teaching equipment, the targets and implementation solutions, the section on program implementation and distribution takes up the most pages. In addition to the number of periods, the number of weeks, the name of the lesson, and teaching aids, the teacher must include the requirements to be achieved. of each lesson for all grades. This is the most labor-intensive part for teachers and it is also the most unreasonable.
The required section for each lesson must include dozens of new sentences in full accordance with the instructions. Therefore, with only 2-3 lessons, teachers must present an entire A4 page.
Teachers need to be freed from paperwork to focus on teaching
Literature and math have the most periods. For example, at the junior high school level, both of these subjects have 4 periods/week. Literature for grade 9 has 5 periods/week, so this subject has a total of 175 periods/school year. Currently, teachers have to teach literature in addition to the local education content, so each year there are more than 600 periods. Therefore, teachers have to spend many days working continuously to be able to list all the objectives to be achieved for each lesson and period.
The natural science group also has a large number of periods: 4 periods/week (grades 6, 7, 8); physics, chemistry, and biology in grade 9 also have a total of 4 periods/week. In addition, there is also technology in grades 6, 7, and 8 with 1 period per week and technology in grade 9 with 2 periods per week. Therefore, at the beginning of the school year, the heads and deputy heads of the professional groups are under a lot of pressure when making professional plans for the group.
The lesson plan (lesson plan) according to the guidance of Official Dispatch 5512 of the Ministry of Education and Training also makes it quite difficult for teachers of subjects with many periods. Each teacher is often assigned to teach 2 grades.
If a teacher is assigned to teach grade 9 literature and another grade, there will be a total of 315 periods per school year. Therefore, the lesson plan of a middle school literature teacher alone will be thousands of pages each year and of course it will take a lot of time for the teacher to complete this plan. Teachers who also work as homeroom teachers or heads of subject groups must also make many other plans.
Teachers no longer have time to invest in their expertise.
During group meetings, pedagogical council meetings or school party meetings, each teacher is given a sheet of paper with the content. Teachers look at the content and if they find any additional important content, they add it to the meeting book or write it on the paper to carry out the task. Some schools even require teachers to record this content in the meeting book and if they do not have it when checking, they will be criticized.
When observing and learning from each other, teachers write exactly the same as students. When teachers copy on the board, the observing teachers write the same. Meanwhile, they already have the expertise, so they only need to take notes on necessary issues.
In addition to teaching, teachers also have a lot of pressure due to bookkeeping.
Not to mention, many schools require teachers to submit observation books, and regulate the number of periods in a very mechanical way. Although the current observation guidelines are very different from before, teachers still take notes meticulously like students sitting in class.
Therefore, teachers find it difficult to focus on their profession because every year they are busy making a series of plans and recording books. The education sector encourages digitalization, but teachers still have to write many types of books and documents by hand.
In reality, teachers still have to carry a lot of books day and night. That is a huge waste of time and effort. If we calculate that on average, a teacher spends fifteen minutes a day "making up" books that do not have the function of educating students, then in a lifetime of teaching (an average of 30 years), how much time will be wasted? The pressure of books contributes to reducing the quality of teaching of teachers. From there, some teachers find "initiatives" to copy to cope. Many teachers are still burdened with books, partly because the school board still has... formalism.
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