The Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024, effective from January 1, 2025, stipulates that "a driving training facility is a unit providing driving training services".

This is a new regulation compared to the 2008 Road Traffic Law which stipulates that "driving training facilities are a type of vocational training facility". Thus, car driving test training will no longer be vocational education.

The Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety assigns the Minister of Transport to issue driver training programs, instead of the head of the training facility issuing them as before.

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Under the new law, driving training facilities are units providing driving training services. Photo: Document

Mr. Luong Duyen Thong, Head of the Department of Vehicle and Driver Transport Management, Vietnam Road Administration, said that when separated from vocational education, driver training facilities will only have one management agency and responsibility, the Department of Transport, instead of the current two Departments of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and Transport.

"When switching to the new type, the draft decree guiding the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety will specifically stipulate driver training centers," said Mr. Thong.

Mr. Thong also said that the Ministry of Transport has submitted to the Government a draft decree regulating driver training and testing activities.

The Decree will detail a number of articles of the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety regarding driver training and testing activities, including: training forms, business conditions of car driving training facilities, standards of driving instructors, etc.

Including regulations on re-issuance and revocation of driving practice instructor certificates; issuance, re-issuance and revocation of driving practice vehicle licenses...

Specifically, Article 14 stipulates that a driving instructor's "practice certificate" will be revoked if he or she commits fraud to attend training or testing; the driving instructor's certificate is issued by an unauthorized agency or person or is erased or altered.

In addition, this certificate will also be revoked if the teacher rents or lends it to another training institution for use or rents or lends it to another organization or individual for use.

The driving practice vehicle license will be revoked in the following cases: erasure or repair; allowing other organizations or individuals to use it for driving training purposes; the driving training facility is dissolved or has its training license revoked; the driving practice vehicle is installed and uses 2 or more DAT devices (time and distance control devices) or uses DAT devices of other vehicles to cheat during the driving practice training process.