In 2 days, candidates in Ho Chi Minh City will take the literature exam, the first subject of the 10th grade exam.
How to review knowledge once before the exam
As the 10th grade exam approaches, to confidently enter the first exam subject, literature, candidates need to review their knowledge once before the exam.
Don't review by topic, review by text : Topic is an infinite thing that is difficult to predict because it depends on the person who makes the 10th grade exam, text is a finite thing that has been studied so it is easy to remember, so we should not choose to guess other people's ideas but choose to consolidate the knowledge we already know.
Do not remove the text, just reduce the priority for the text: Do not think that if the text is in the exam of this school, the exam cannot be re-issued immediately after. The problem here is the orientation, the structure of the exam is different, even if it is not important, you still have to grasp the outstanding content and artistic elements, typical evidence to handle if needed.
Grade 9 students in Ho Chi Minh City on the last day of review for the grade 10 exam early next week.
Focus on test-taking skills
You don't need to worry about what text or topic the test will be about. What you need to do is master the following skills:
- Skills to answer reading comprehension questions according to thinking level: Recognition: find information in the text or determine related Vietnamese knowledge through 2 levels: Comprehension: determine content, emotions, attitudes, find causes, find similarities and differences between 2 texts. Application: make comments, state opinions about ideas, state things to do...
- Social argumentation skills according to each type of question: Completely correct opinion, opinion that needs to be discussed, equal/different sides, answering questions, making choices... expressed in language or non-language (images, symbols...)
- Skills to analyze a poem, story excerpt, character associated with the requirement to state the impact of the text on oneself
- Skills to analyze a poem, story excerpt, or character in a text associated with the requirement to relate and compare with a poem/story excerpt/character in another text
- Skills to select and analyze an excerpt, an open-ended situational piece.
The 10th grade exam in Ho Chi Minh City will officially take place on June 6 and 7 with the subjects of literature, foreign language, math and specialized and integrated subjects (if you register for a specialized or integrated school or class).
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