National defense and security education contributes to raising awareness of protecting the Fatherland early and from afar.

Bộ Giáo dục và đào tạoBộ Giáo dục và đào tạo17/12/2024

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam People's Army (December 22, 1944 - December 22, 2024), the Ministry of Education and Training's Electronic Information Portal respectfully introduces an article by Major General, Dr. Tran Ngoc Thanh, Director of the Department of National Defense and Security Education, Ministry of Education and Training.

National defense and security education for students is identified by our Party as a part of national education, under the leadership, direction and organization of strict and unified implementation from the Central to the grassroots level.

Resolution of the 3rd Central Committee (7th tenure) clearly stated : “It is necessary to strengthen national defense and security education for all people, first of all for cadres at all levels, branches of the Party and State and the young generation of students”. Therefore, national defense and security education has a top important position in contributing to raising awareness for all subjects in the strategy of building and protecting the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland.

The 13th National Party Congress requested: “ Innovate and improve the quality and effectiveness of education and training on national defense and security for cadres, civil servants, public employees and the entire population, ensuring suitability for each target. Focus on education, unification, raising awareness of partners and targets; grasp the guidelines, viewpoints, and requirements of the task of protecting the Fatherland in the new situation. Raise the sense of responsibility and revolutionary vigilance in performing national defense and security tasks”.

In the current situation, national defense and security education also directly contributes to creating the ability and promoting the great strength of the entire people in carrying out the task of protecting the Fatherland and building the country. That is a great lesson in the history of building and defending the country of our people and is a vital experience for countries around the world.

Article 4 of the Law on National Defense and Security Education defines the goal of national defense and security education as: " Educating citizens about national defense and security knowledge to promote patriotism, the tradition of building and defending the country, national pride and self-respect, raising awareness, responsibility, and self-awareness in performing national defense and security tasks, protecting the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland".

Accordingly, the specific goal of national defense and security education today is to contribute to training new people to develop comprehensively; to understand the basic contents of national defense and security, the tradition of the nation's struggle against foreign invaders, the responsibilities and obligations of citizens in protecting the Fatherland; to promote patriotism, love for socialism, and revolutionary vigilance against the plots and tricks of hostile and reactionary forces; to have basic knowledge of the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws on national defense and security; to have the necessary military and security skills to participate in the cause of building and consolidating the all-people national defense, building the people's war posture, the people's security posture, and being ready to protect the socialist Fatherland of Vietnam.

Continuing and promoting the results of the implementation of the General Military Training Program (1961) and National Defense Education (1991), in recent years, to meet the requirements of the task of protecting the Fatherland in the new period and in accordance with the regulations on education and training (GDĐT) at the university level, in 2000 the national defense education program continued to be revised and supplemented, and in 2007 the Government's Decree on national defense and security education was implemented.

In recent years, for primary and secondary schools , national defense and security education has been integrated according to the provisions of Circular No. 08/2024/TT-BGDDT dated May 15, 2024 of the Minister of Education and Training on Guidelines for integrating national defense and security education content in primary schools, secondary schools and high schools with many levels. Teachers choose the content of integrating national defense and security education based on the content of integrating national defense and security education, schools develop and implement teaching plans integrating national defense and security education content to ensure sufficient content according to regulations for each grade, suitable to the actual conditions of each locality and school. Flexibly and creatively apply methods and forms of integration, without affecting the duration and structure of the lesson, ensuring quality and effectiveness.

For high school level , thoroughly grasp and strictly implement the national defense and security education program and content according to Circular No. 46/2020/TT-BGDDT dated November 24, 2020 of the Minister of Education and Training on Promulgating the National Defense and Security Education Program for high school level; promptly adjust and supplement new knowledge content that has been agreed upon in annual national defense and security education training sessions .

For students at universities , academies, colleges, pedagogical colleges and national defense and security education centers , organize the development of plans and implementation of teaching of national defense and security education subjects to ensure sufficient content and time in accordance with the provisions of Circular No. 05/2020/TT-BGDDT dated March 18, 2020 of the Minister of Education and Training on Promulgating the National Defense and Security Education Program in pedagogical colleges and higher education institutions; promptly adjust and supplement the contents agreed upon in annual training sessions.

In each revolutionary period, the subject of national defense and security education has had appropriate innovations, serving the cause of national development, national defense and security work in each period; closely linking the goals of education and training with the cultivation of personality, qualities and capacities of citizens, meeting the requirements of the cause of building and defending the Fatherland.

However , in teaching and learning the subject of national defense and security education, there are still certain difficulties such as: Party committees and leading cadres in some educational institutions have not paid due attention to national defense and security education , national defense, military work, and counter-terrorism ; have not yet grasped professional knowledge on military, national defense, and counter-terrorism in the new situation ; the direction is still formal and lacks determination. The implementation of directives, resolutions, and guiding documents of the Party, State, ministries, departments, and branches on the tasks of national defense and security education, national defense, military work, and counter-terrorism work is not deep and complete in some places; the content has not been included in the leadership resolution; and the leadership and guiding documents on the tasks of national defense and security education , national defense, military work, and counter-terrorism work of the unit have not been issued in a timely manner. The team of teachers and lecturers of national defense and security education has not yet met the development requirements of the national defense and security education task in the new situation. At some educational institutions, the attention to investment in purchasing, building facilities, weapons, equipment, and subject classrooms is not adequate; the management of weapons and equipment has not been implemented in accordance with regulations. The organization of teaching the subject of national defense and security education at some educational institutions is not in accordance with regulations, and does not closely follow the national defense and security education program for students.

To improve the quality of national defense and security education for students, contributing to raising awareness of protecting the Fatherland early and from afar , it is necessary to effectively implement the following solutions:

Firstly, continue to perfect institutions and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of state management of national defense and security education.

This is the most important solution, playing a decisive role in the quality and effectiveness of national defense and security education in the new situation.

In particular, focus on reviewing, amending, supplementing, issuing new or submitting to competent authorities for issuance of legal documents, projects and proposals related to national defense and security education; focus on perfecting institutions, mechanisms, policies and laws on national defense and security education in a scientific, modern, synchronous, interconnected, feasible direction, suitable to the socio-economic development conditions of the country and each locality, creating a legal framework, associated with the Party's policies, the State's policies and laws on national defense and security education. In the immediate future, it is necessary to promptly review, amend and supplement the Law on National Defense and Security Education and accompanying documents as a legal basis for all levels to direct appropriate adjustments and supplements.

Promote the role and functions of the Department of National Defense and Security Education (Ministry of Education and Training) in inspection, examination and supervision of the implementation of policies and laws on national defense and security education of educational and training institutions, promptly detect limitations, difficulties and problems and propose to competent authorities solutions to improve the quality and effectiveness of national defense and security education for students.

Second , continue to strengthen the leadership, direction and management of Party committees, heads of agencies and organizations at all levels related to national defense and security education for students .

This is a very important factor, deciding the quality of national defense and security education . It is necessary to thoroughly grasp and strictly implement Directive 12-CT/TW dated May 3 , 2007 of the 11th Politburo on strengthening the Party's leadership in national defense and security education in the new situation; Law on National Defense and Security Education , legal documents on national defense and security education , guidance plans of the Central Council for National Defense and Security Education and relevant ministries, branches and sectors. It is necessary to thoroughly grasp that national defense and security education is a part of national education, the popularization and enhancement of national defense and security education is a common task of the Party, the State and the whole society, which must be directed, organized and implemented closely and uniformly from the central to local levels, in forms suitable for each subject.

The Department of National Defense and Security Education ( Ministry of Education and Training ) needs to do a good job of advising the Minister of Education and Training in state management of national defense and security education for students and military, national defense and security work of the Ministry of Education and Training; focus on guiding the innovation of content and teaching methods of national defense and security education for key curricular contents and integration, planning, directing the activities of the system of national defense and security education centers belonging to and directly under ministries, branches and sectors; managing the quality of national defense and security education subjects.

Third, focus on improving the quality of teachers and lecturers in national defense and security education.

Currently , the system of schools from high schools to colleges and universities is autonomous in the subject of national defense and security education and some national defense and security education centers still lack both the quantity and quality of teachers and lecturers according to the requirements of the task, not meeting the requirements of improving the quality and effectiveness of national defense and security education in the new situation. To effectively solve this task , the Ministry of Education and Training presides over and coordinates with relevant ministries, departments and branches to promptly complete the "Project on training teachers and lecturers of national defense and security education until 2030 and the following years" to submit to the Government for approval, and soon have a plan to organize the implementation of the Project after it has been approved by the Government.

Develop a team of teachers and managers of national defense and security education; develop plans and organize the recruitment of sufficient numbers of teachers of national defense and security education in the right major. Proactively develop plans to create recruitment sources through new forms of training, second-degree university training ; train to improve the qualifications of national defense and security education teachers in accordance with the specific conditions of each locality according to Directive 14/CT-TTg dated August 31, 2022 of the Prime Minister on strengthening conditions to ensure effective implementation and quality of preschool and general education.

Focus on building a core team of teachers and managers of national defense and security education to organize training and fostering at the grassroots level ; combine self-training with the content of professional group and team activities in schools and school clusters to improve qualifications and professional knowledge of national defense and security education. Pay attention to implementing special regimes and incentives for teachers teaching national defense and security education .

Fourth, research and innovate the content, curriculum, teaching and learning methods, and quality management of national defense and security education subjects to suit the development of the new situation.

The subject of national defense and security education has many theoretical learning contents. If during the teaching and learning process, teachers and lecturers only present topics in a monotonous manner, it will be very difficult for students to acquire knowledge and practice skills. Teachers and lecturers need to actively innovate teaching methods to promote the dynamism, initiative and creativity of learners ; focus on organizing concentrated learning to manage and train military style according to the regular lifestyle of the military environment ; train students in discipline, physical fitness, forming methods, style, sense of organization and discipline, team spirit and military skills.

In addition , educational institutions need to strongly apply information technology, digital transformation, and simulation technology in the teaching process, suitable for national defense and security education subjects , creating a scientific and modern way for learners to absorb both theory and practice.

In addition , it is necessary to give students practical experiences such as: visiting military and police units ; guided visits to historical sites, museums, revolutionary bases; cultural and artistic exchanges, revolutionary song singing competitions ; thematic talks ; screening of documentaries on war history, introducing heroic and martyr examples ; exchanges with historical witnesses... Through practical activities, students are nurtured in patriotism, revolutionary ideals, political qualities, moral qualities, lifestyle ; enhance understanding, practice basic skills, practice good discipline, improve physical strength and health ; have scientific working methods and styles, as a basis for developing high-quality human resources for the national defense potential to protect the Fatherland and select and create human resources to build the people's armed forces.

Fifth, continue to review, adjust, and supplement the planning and construction of a system of national defense and security education centers; invest in the budget, modernize facilities and teaching equipment; improve the effectiveness of coordination and cooperation in national defense and security education for students.

Well implementing the review, adjustment, and supplementation of planning and building a system of national defense and security education centers is the basis for ensuring that national defense and security education for students meets the practical requirements of the country. Planning the system of national defense and security education centers for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2045, is extremely important to concretize the implementation of the Law on National Defense and Security Education .

Coordinate and propose to the Ministry of National Defense to allocate resources and annual budget to prioritize the implementation of projects, programs, and plans on national defense and security education to modernize facilities and equipment for national defense and security education ; ensure weapons, military explosives, technical equipment, and specialized military teaching equipment for teaching and learning national defense and security education for educational institutions nationwide; ensure teaching facilities and equipment (models, cut-out models of infantry weapons, video tapes, films, etc.), and materials on national defense and security education for agencies, units, and military schools assigned to the task of national defense and security education ; Ensure uniforms are shared by students studying at national defense and security education centers of universities inside and outside the Army , ensuring uniformity, modernity, and comprehensiveness to improve the quality of teaching and learning national defense and security education for students to meet the requirements of socio - economic development.

Effectively exploit existing facilities, equipment, and teaching aids; wear national defense and security education uniforms in accordance with regulations when teaching and learning national defense and security education subjects . Strictly manage weapons and equipment, for AK submachine guns converted to level 5, ensure compliance with regulations and safe use.

Coordinate and direct academies, schools, and military units to host, send cadres and lecturers to participate in the organizing committee, send service forces; support weapons, equipment, and other guarantees, help the Ministry of Education and Training organize training courses, organize competitions for teachers and lecturers of national defense and security education subjects , and organize student sports competitions .

Coordinate investigation, survey, and assessment of the current status of teachers and lecturers of national defense and security education . Develop strategies, plans, and plans for training, fostering, and using to meet the requirements of innovation in national defense and security education in the new period. Standardize the team of teachers, lecturers, and forces participating in training, educating, and disseminating national defense and security knowledge according to each field of study and subject. Regularly foster and train to improve awareness, professional capacity, and technical skills for specialized forces.

Strengthening the exchange, sharing of experiences and resources between the centers and faculties of national defense and security education of training institutions inside and outside the Army. Reporting to competent authorities to organize a number of delegations of lecturers, teachers and managers to visit and study national defense and security education models of some countries in the world; proposing to supplement and adjust the models, contents, programs, forms and teaching methods of national defense and security education to suit the new situation.

Sixth, strengthen inspection, evaluation, and interim and final review of national defense and security education and national defense military work.

Inspection, evaluation and preliminary and final review are important and indispensable solutions in national defense and security education and military and national defense work to find out typical factors that need to be promoted, limitations that need to be overcome and draw rich practical experiences. Thereby, adjusting, supplementing and perfecting the program, content, form and teaching and learning methods of national defense and security education .

Promote the role of Party organizations, authorities and functional agencies in the work of inspection, evaluation, interim review and final review of national defense and security education . Inspection, evaluation, interim review and final review must ensure objectivity, openness and democracy; must clearly point out both advantages, limitations, causes and draw valuable lessons. Timely commend, reward and replicate advanced models, coupled with self-discipline and strict handling of violations; take measures to rectify and overcome limitations, thoroughly resolve difficulties and inadequacies arising in the implementation process.

National defense and security education is an important and regular issue. To improve the effectiveness of national defense and security education , it is necessary to study, flexibly and creatively apply a synchronous system of solutions. Thereby, promoting propaganda and education work, raising awareness and responsibility of the entire Party, the entire people, the entire army, of all levels, sectors, of each cadre, party member and citizen for the task of strengthening national defense, security, protecting the Fatherland, promoting the strength of "people's hearts", resolutely and persistently defending the socialist Fatherland of Vietnam from early on, from afar in all situations.


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