(Dan Tri) - The prestigious education magazine Times Higher Education (UK) has just announced a ranking of universities in the world based on training groups.
Of the 11 subject groups included in the Times Higher Education (THE) rankings, no Asian university topped any of them. However, overall, the editors of THE said that the number of Asian universities represented in the rankings is still increasing year by year.
China and Singapore have schools in the top 50 in all 11 subject areas. Japan has schools in the top 50 in 8 subject areas.
The highest ranking of an Asian university is in the business and economics group, where China's Peking University and Tsinghua University are ranked 4th and 6th respectively.
China has 3 universities appearing in the top 10 universities training the highest quality educational research groups in the world, specifically including Peking University, Tsinghua University and Hong Kong University (China).
The National University of Singapore is ranked 9th in the world for engineering. It is also ranked 10th in the world for physical sciences.
Witnessing the appearance of many Asian universities on THE magazine's rankings, Mr. Simon Marginson - Professor of Higher Education at Oxford University (UK) - commented: "In the current educational context, the relative position of Western countries, which are considered to have developed education, will gradually decline.
The reason is not because the quality of education in these countries is getting worse, but because more and more schools are being compared and new names will appear more and more.
The top schools in the rankings in 11 subject groups (Source: THE).
Vietnamese universities appear in the rankings
In 11 groups of subjects evaluated for quality by THE magazine, Vietnam does not have any schools in the rankings in 3 groups of subjects, including arts - humanities, law, and psychology.
In the remaining 8 groups, schools that appeared in the 2024 rankings continue to reappear in this year's rankings, despite some increases and decreases in rankings, specifically as follows:
(Source: THE).
Source: https://dantri.com.vn/giao-duc/giao-duc-dai-hoc-tai-viet-nam-lot-top-quoc-te-o-811-nhom-nganh-20250123225435148.htm
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