Exam site of Nguyen Du High School (District 10, Ho Chi Minh City), where the incident of an exam supervisor signing the wrong exam paper in the literature subject of the high school graduation exam occurred.
Accordingly, on the afternoon of June 30, the leaders of the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City had a meeting with some parents of candidates who had an incident where the invigilator mistakenly signed on the exam paper, causing the candidates to lose time doing the test, which happened during the literature exam of the high school graduation exam that took place on the morning of June 27 at the exam site of Nguyen Du High School (District 10, Ho Chi Minh City).
Mr. Nguyen Van Hieu said that the Department of Education and Training will take disciplinary action against the two exam supervisors, the head and deputy head of the exam site at Nguyen Du High School in the recent high school graduation exam.
According to Mr. Hieu, the responsibility of the head of this examination site was not to closely monitor the examination room when there was an incident, not knowing that the examination room had issued new exam papers to candidates.
The head of the city's Department of Education and Training admitted his mistakes in the exam supervision and affirmed that he would take disciplinary action against the departments involved in the incident to ensure maximum benefits for the candidates.
Regarding the handling direction, the Department's leader said that after organizing the exam marking in the usual form, the Department will have a common marking team to review all the literature exams of the candidates in this exam room, ensuring that no candidate is disadvantaged in their rights.
Previously, some candidates and parents whose children took the 2024 high school graduation exam at Nguyen Du High School reported that during the literature exam in room 2500, after the candidates had completed the exam for a short time, the invigilator informed 24 candidates in the room that they had mistakenly signed in the box marked by the examiner. Therefore, the invigilator arbitrarily decided to collect the exam papers of the candidates in the exam room and issue new exam papers to the candidates. According to the report, this caused the candidates to lose a period of time doing the literature exam.
According to the verification of the Department of Education and Training, during the literature test, when the candidate had been doing the test for about 10 minutes, the invigilator of examination room 2500 discovered that he had mistakenly signed in the marking box on the candidate's exam paper.
After that, the invigilator arbitrarily distributed the exam papers to all the candidates in the room. According to the Department of Education and Training, at this time, due to many disagreements, the two invigilators reported the incident to the invigilator in charge of the exam room outside. The incident was reported to the head of the exam site. At that time, the head of the exam site requested the invigilator of this exam room to return the old exam papers to the candidates in the exam room, without adding extra time to the candidates because it did not have much impact.
However, the head of the examination site did not know that the candidates in this examination room had been issued and took the test on new papers, so some candidates took the test on new papers, while others took the test on old papers, causing disadvantages for the candidates in examination room 2500, especially affecting the candidates' psychology while taking the test.
Source: https://thanhnien.vn/giam-thi-ky-nham-thi-sinh-mat-thoi-gian-lam-bai-so-gd-dt-tphcm-noi-gi-18524063023553351.htm
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