According to the report at the conference, in 2022, businesses have made great efforts and proposed many positive solutions in leadership, direction, management, and effective organization of production and business, completing assigned plans, and making great contributions to the state budget. In terms of key indicators of revenue, profit, budget payment, and average income per employee, businesses such as Viettel; Military Petroleum Corporation; Thanh An Corporation; Truong Son Construction Corporation... have maintained sustainable stability over the past many years. Businesses have made great efforts in finding jobs, organizing effective production and business, and making maximum use of production and business results to handle finances and set up provisions.

Senior Lieutenant General Vu Hai San gave a speech at the conference.

Production and business activities of 100% state-owned enterprises directly managed by the Ministry of National Defense are all effective, with many economic and financial indicators growing compared to 2021. Specifically, total revenue and other income in 2022 reached 110.33% of the plan, up 17.15% compared to 2021. Total profit before tax reached 106.9% of the plan, up 22.12% compared to 2021. Total profit after tax reached 105.85% of the plan, up 20.36% compared to 2021. Total payment to the state budget reached 102.3% of the plan, up 15% compared to 2021. Employment and income of workers are basically guaranteed. Average income per worker increased by 6.3% compared to 2021.

Financial situation: 10 parent companies of the group, the Corporation and 1 independent company are financially secure. Total asset value of enterprises increased by 11.1% compared to 2021. Total equity increased by 3.7% compared to 2021, accounting for 54.1% of the total value of capital sources.

Conference delegates.

Some enterprises assigned by the Ministry of National Defense to construct key projects that are both economically valuable and politically, militarily, defensely, diplomatically significant... all strive to complete their tasks well, such as: Construction of border patrol roads; construction of the Lao National Assembly; construction of the Vietnam Military History Museum...

Based on the results achieved by companies and enterprises, the Department of Finance, Ministry of National Defense has proposed the Head of the Ministry of National Defense to classify 10 enterprises as A, financially safe.

Major General Luu Sy Quy, Director of the Finance Department (Ministry of National Defense) spoke at the conference.

  Concluding the conference, Senior Lieutenant General Vu Hai San commended and highly appreciated the production, business and financial results that enterprises have achieved in the past year; at the same time, he emphasized: In the coming time, units and enterprises need to continue to promote the achieved results, strictly implement the instructions on continuing to restructure, innovate and improve the efficiency of state-owned enterprises, policies on combining national defense with economy, economy with national defense; focus on Party building in military enterprises; create solidarity and consensus when proposing and implementing business strategies; pay attention to organizing the administrative apparatus, training and building human resources.

Conference scene.

Enterprises strengthen, develop and improve operational efficiency, competitiveness, well meet the requirements and assigned tasks; promote technology in management, production and business operations, reduce administrative procedures; focus on policies and mechanisms for employees; do a good job of mass mobilization, grasp the area, actively participate in socio-economic development, especially in strategic areas, remote areas; build internal solidarity, corporate culture; improve the quality and capacity of corporate governance; focus on improving productivity, quality and efficiency; ensure safety in all aspects of business operations...

Senior Lieutenant General Vu Hai San also requested the competent agencies of the Ministry of National Defense to continue to strengthen the inspection, supervision and monitoring of the activities of enterprises under the Ministry of National Defense, especially in the fields of economics, finance and investment; improve the effectiveness and efficiency of management along with continuing to study and propose the issuance, amendment and supplementation of policies and mechanisms to meet the requirements of enterprise management and operation.

News and photos: CAM THANH