Does this cause the admission score for the competency assessment test to decrease compared to last year?
According to Dr. Nguyen Quoc Chinh, Director of the Center for Testing and Training Quality Assessment (Ho Chi Minh City National University), this year the online portal of Ho Chi Minh City National University receives candidates registering for admission to 66 universities and colleges inside and outside the system. Of the more than 100,000 candidates taking the exam in 2023, more than 40,000 candidates have registered with over 190,000 wishes. Of these, more than 30,000 candidates have registered for admission to Ho Chi Minh City National University units, with nearly 96,000 wishes. The total number of candidates registered on this system decreased by about 20,000 people but the total wishes decreased by about 200,000 compared to 2022. Last year, about 60,000 candidates registered with approximately 390,000 wishes to schools on this system.
Candidates taking the Ho Chi Minh City National University's competency assessment exam this year
Statistics at each school also show a similar decline. According to Master Cu Xuan Tien, Head of Admissions and Student Affairs at the University of Economics and Law, this year the school has about 13,500 PhDs registered with approximately 27,000 wishes (a 50% decrease compared to last year).
Schools outside the Ho Chi Minh City National University system are in a similar situation. For example, Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry received over 3,400 applications this year, half of last year's number. Dr. Nguyen Trung Nhan, Head of Training Department of Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry, also said that the school only received about 50% of the candidates who registered for the competency test scores compared to last year, about 6,000 applications.
Analyzing this data, Dr. Quoc Chinh said that there are many reasons for the decrease in the number of candidates registering for admission, mainly because candidates have carefully considered their wishes and their own abilities. The average number of wishes each candidate registered this year is lower than last year. Specifically, last year, each candidate registered on average over 6 wishes, but this year it is only about 4.75. In addition, preliminary data analysis results show that most candidates with high scores in this exam have registered for admission. Meanwhile, the group of candidates who did not register on the system fell into the 600 - 700 point group.
"It is possible that after analyzing, this group of candidates did not see any chance of being admitted to the "hot" majors, so they decided to choose another admission method," said Mr. Chinh. In addition, some candidates may still think that they only need to register for admission on the Ministry of Education and Training's system without having to register for the early method at the schools.
Sharing the same opinion, Master Cu Xuan Tien also acknowledged: "This year, candidates have made choices that are closer to their ability to be admitted. For example, at the University of Economics and Law, last year, many candidates had exam scores below 700 points (below the school's standard score), but this year there are fewer."
Besides, according to Master Tien, part of the reason is that this year the number of units organizing and recruiting by the ability assessment exam scores has increased. Therefore, the source of candidates may be shared among many schools. In addition, perhaps some candidates still misunderstand the registration process this year, so they do not register early at the schools.
Although the number of registered students has decreased sharply, school representatives still believe that the benchmark for the assessment test scores will not change much compared to last year.
Dr. Pham Tan Ha, Vice Principal of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ho Chi Minh City, predicted that with this year's score distribution and TS's consideration compared to previous years' benchmark scores, this year's benchmark scores will hardly have any strong changes or fluctuations. Mr. Ha said: "The benchmark score for the school's competency test method is unlikely to be lower than last year's level, it may be equal or slightly higher." In 2022, the benchmark score of this school will range from 610 to 900 points. In which, the major with a benchmark score of 900 is multimedia communications.
Many schools have announced their competency test scores.
Many universities outside the Ho Chi Minh City National University system have announced benchmark scores and methods for considering competency assessment exam scores.
Vietnam Aviation Academy has majors with a benchmark score of 850, including aviation engineering and flight operations management. 7 majors of the school have a benchmark score of 700 points and 3 majors have a benchmark score of 600 points.
Many non-public universities have announced benchmark scores for this method such as: Nguyen Tat Thanh, Gia Dinh, Hung Vuong HCMC...
"In previous years, students only focused on a few "hot" majors and registered less in the remaining majors. Therefore, in majors with many students registering, the school will consider recruiting up to 45% of the major's quota. For majors that do not recruit enough students, the school will transfer the quota to the graduation exam score method instead of reducing the standard score," said Dr. Ha.
Dr. Nguyen Tan Tran Minh Khang, Vice Principal of Ho Chi Minh City University of Information Technology, also said that although the number of applications has decreased compared to last year, this year's benchmark score is unlikely to decrease. Because the number of top PhDs is still as high as last year. In 2022, the benchmark score for the school's majors is quite high, the lowest being 800 points.
Although the number of registered candidates has decreased sharply, school representatives still believe that the benchmark for the ability assessment test will not change much compared to last year.
This year, the University of Economics and Law will reserve a maximum of 40% of its quota for considering the competency test scores, equivalent to nearly 1,000 PhDs. According to Master Cu Xuan Tien, this year's benchmark score may remain the same as last year. In 2022, the school will have 4 programs with benchmark scores of 900 or higher, including: foreign economics, marketing, international business, and e-commerce. Of which, international business has the highest benchmark score of 928 points.
Master Pham Thai Son, Director of the Admissions and Communications Center of Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry, said that this year's admission score is expected to be the same as last year's. Specifically, the food technology major is about 750 points, the marketing major is about 730 points. The remaining majors are in the range of 600 - 700 points.
Dr. Nguyen Trung Nhan said that the benchmark scores for majors at Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry based on the competency test scores could decrease by 10-40 points depending on the major. Last year, the benchmark scores for this school ranged from 650-900 points. The major with the highest benchmark score was international business.
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