The workshop was chaired by: Comrade Nguyen Xuan Thang - Politburo member, Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council; Comrade Le Quoc Minh - Member of the Party Central Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan Newspaper, Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department, Chairman of the Vietnam Journalists Association; Comrade Phan Chi Hieu - President of the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Vice Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council; Comrade Pham Minh Tuan - Deputy Editor-in-Chief in charge of the Communist Magazine; Comrade Le Van Loi - Deputy Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics.
Conference scene.
Speaking at the opening ceremony of the workshop, Comrade Nguyen Xuan Thang - Politburo member, Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics said that the workshop is a very meaningful activity, aiming to discuss and summarize the results achieved after half of the term, propose solutions, especially in organizing implementation to complete the key tasks of the 13th Congress in the period from now until the end of the term.
In particular, the workshop also contributed to summarizing 40 years of innovation and drafting documents to be submitted to the 14th National Party Congress.
Comrade Nguyen Xuan Thang - Politburo member, Director of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics delivered the opening speech.
According to comrade Nguyen Xuan Thang, from now until the end of his term, besides advantages and opportunities, the world and domestic situation is still facing many difficulties, great challenges, and many unpredictable changes.
To achieve the highest level of goals and tasks set by the 13th Congress for the entire term, comrade Nguyen Xuan Thang suggested that delegates discuss and analyze more deeply a number of issues such as: Continuing to promote the implementation of tasks on ensuring macroeconomic stability, promoting economic growth; Ensuring social security, reviving culture, developing Vietnamese people; Perfecting the institution of sustainable development, focusing on the institution of a socialist-oriented market economy.
"At the same time, comrades discussed and found solutions to strengthen national defense and security, firmly protect the Fatherland; synchronously, creatively and effectively deploy foreign affairs activities, proactively and actively integrate comprehensively and deeply into the world. Continue to promote the building and rectification of the Party and the political system to be clean and strong in all aspects," comrade Nguyen Xuan Thang emphasized.
Delegates attending the workshop.
The workshop listened to objective, comprehensive assessments and multi-dimensional impacts on the results achieved in the first half of the term, including vivid evidence from the practical work of Party building and the political system, socio-economic development, ensuring national defense and security, and promoting the strength of the great national unity bloc in localities and sectors.
Over the past two years, our country has achieved important and comprehensive results in Party building and rectification; socio-economic development; ensuring national defense, security, foreign affairs and international integration; building and perfecting the law and the socialist rule-of-law state of Vietnam; preventing and combating corruption and negativity; ensuring social security; promoting cultural values and the strength of the Vietnamese people.
Delegates also expressed opinions and discussed in a roundtable on continuing to promote the fight against bureaucracy, corruption, waste, and negativity...
The discussion opinions of the delegates discussed in depth and suggested solutions to implement the key tasks of the 13th Congress in the social field; ensuring social security, human security; managing sustainable social development, ensuring social progress and equity; developing the culture of ethnic minorities in the strategy of developing Vietnamese culture...
Regarding foreign affairs, the presentations mentioned the trend of shaping the multipolar world order and policy implications for Vietnam; building an independent, self-reliant economy and deep and wide international integration in the new context in Vietnam; maintaining independence and self-reliance, continuing to improve the effectiveness of foreign affairs activities and international integration.
Comrade Le Quoc Minh commented: "The proposed opinions of the delegates today are practical, suggesting a number of theoretical issues and practical summary results, contributing to the development of the Draft Documents of the 14th National Party Congress".
In his closing speech at the workshop, comrade Le Quoc Minh - Member of the Party Central Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan Newspaper, Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department, President of the Vietnam Journalists Association assessed that the opinions exchanged in the roundtable discussion session all valued proactiveness, sensitivity, grasping opportunities, determination to overcome difficulties and challenges, continuing to strongly innovate thinking, perfecting institutions, and arousing will, potential, and resources for development.
"The closing of the Congress does not mean it is over. This is only the beginning. Whether we can do it or not, whether we can turn the Resolution into a vivid reality or not, whether we can create material wealth, bring wealth to the country and happiness to the people or not, that is the actual success of the Congress," Comrade Le Quoc Minh affirmed.
Delegates take souvenir photos.
According to comrade Le Quoc Minh, the success of today's workshop will contribute to continuing to strongly spread the leadership spirit of the General Secretary, thereby creating more important breakthroughs, in line with the practical situation of our country, contributing to the successful implementation of the key tasks of the 13th National Congress until the end of the term.
"The proposals of the delegates today are practical, suggesting a number of theoretical issues and practical summary results, contributing to the development of the Draft Documents of the 14th National Party Congress," comrade Le Quoc Minh concluded the Workshop.
Hoa Giang
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