However, the amount of water absorbed from tea is often more than the amount of water lost through urination, so tea and coffee still contribute to providing water to the body, according to USA Today (USA).
Caroline Thomason, a nutritionist in the US, said many people mistakenly believe that tea and coffee can dehydrate the body because they contain caffeine - a diuretic. However, the amount of caffeine in tea and coffee is not enough to significantly affect the amount of water in the body.
In fact, a cup of tea or coffee provides the same amount of water, and even helps balance the amount of fluid lost due to caffeine. Therefore, you can safely enjoy tea or coffee without worrying about dehydration, as long as you do not overdo it.
Tea and coffee still contribute to providing water to the body.
Does drinking tea count as hydrating?
According to the US National Academy of Medicine, each person needs to drink 2-3 liters of water per day, depending on gender, physical activity and climate. This amount of water can come from filtered water, tea, fruits, vegetables... But this amount of water does not necessarily come entirely from drinking filtered water. Therefore, tea is also counted in the daily water intake.
Even the fluids we get from fruits, vegetables and foods count towards our total daily fluid intake, says Thomason.
Drinks that help the body absorb water best
Water is always the best choice for rehydrating your body. But a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2023 found that there is a beverage that helps the body absorb water better than skim milk.
According to researchers, drinks containing small amounts of sugar, fat or protein are effective in helping the body maintain a state of hydration for a long time.
Milk contains lactose, a sugar, along with protein and fat, which helps slow down the process of the stomach emptying liquid, thus prolonging the time it takes for the body to absorb water.
However, for those who are lactose intolerant, consuming large amounts of milk every day may not be good for their health, so Ms. Thomason suggests ways to replenish the body's water from a variety of sources.
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