(NLDO) - Images taken by the US KH-9 (Hexagon) spy satellite system since 1973 have brought about a spectacular archaeological discovery.
According to research recently published in the scientific journal Antiquity, photos taken by a US spy satellite in 1973 revealed the hidden remains of a 1,400-year-old settlement in present-day Iran.
Comparing old documents, an extremely important piece of Middle Eastern history has been found.
Satellite images from more than half a century ago reveal a ghost town in present-day Iran - Photo: USGS
According to Live Science , a team of authors led by archaeologist William Deadman from Durham University (UK) has declassified data from this satellite system to study the Hajj Pilgrimage Route relic: Darb Zubaydah.
It is one of seven important pilgrimage routes on the ancient Arabian Peninsula. The research comes after Saudi Arabia and Iraq jointly nominated the site for consideration for UNESCO World Heritage status.
The ghost town was discovered by chance during a survey. And the most surprising thing is that the details show that it is the lost battlefield of the important battle of al-Qadisiyyah in the history of the region.
The Battle of al-Qadisiyyah took place in 636 or 637 AD between the Arab Muslim army and the Sasanian Empire, which ruled the area that is now Iran from 224–651 AD.
This battle resulted in a major victory for the Muslim army and marked the beginning of the Muslim conquest of Persia.
A field survey confirmed the discovery. Archaeologists identified a nearly 10-kilometer-long wall and moat to the north of the ghost town, exactly as mentioned in historical texts.
"This discovery provides the geography and context for a battle that was fundamental to the spread of Islam to modern-day Iraq, Iran and beyond," said Dr Deadman.
Source: https://nld.com.vn/giai-mat-ve-tinh-do-tham-thi-tran-ma-1400-tuoi-hien-hinh-196241116101110474.htm
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