On October 22, the Dak Lak Provincial Union of Friendship Organizations in collaboration with Dak Lak Medical College organized a volleyball tournament to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Brazil (1989-2024).
Awarding souvenir flags to the teams participating in the tournament.
The volleyball tournament celebrating the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Brazil (1989-2024) has the participation of 12 teams competing in 2 events: men's volleyball (6 teams) and women's volleyball (6 teams) from Dak Lak Medical College. The tournament is a meaningful and practical activity to promote, educate, and raise awareness for students in particular, and the people of Dak Lak province in general, about the solidarity, friendship and comprehensive partnership between Vietnam and Brazil. At the same time, it creates a healthy playground for the sports movement in general and volleyball in particular in the area.
Athletes compete in the women's volleyball final.
At the end of the tournament, in the men's volleyball event, the K6 Nursing Inter-Army team won the championship; the K2 Rehabilitation team won the second prize; the K21 Rehabilitation team won the third prize.
In women's volleyball, the first prize went to the Joint Nursing K6 - Pharmacy K8 team; the second prize went to the Joint Nursing K7 - Medical team and the third prize went to the Rehabilitation K1+2 team.
Vietnam and Brazil officially established diplomatic relations on May 8, 1989. 2024 marks the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Brazil (May 1989 - May 2024) and the 17th anniversary of the Comprehensive Partnership (May 2007 - May 2024).
The Organizing Committee awarded prizes to the first prize winning teams.
Over the past 35 years, the relationship between the two countries has been developing positively in all areas and is becoming more substantial and effective; political relations are increasingly close and trustworthy; economic and trade relations are increasing and Brazil is Vietnam's largest trade partner in the South American region. Trade turnover between Vietnam and Brazil has witnessed strong growth, reflecting the deep and diverse trade partnership between the two countries. Along with good political and diplomatic relations, economic and trade cooperation between Vietnam and Brazil continues to develop, becoming the foundation for long-term relations between the two countries.
Source: https://daklak.gov.vn/-/giai-bong-chuyen-ky-niem-35-nam-thiet-lap-quan-he-ngoai-giao-viet-nam-brazil
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