The Ministry of Industry and Trade has just announced an adjustment in gasoline prices from 3:00 p.m. this afternoon, January 23, with a decrease in gasoline prices and a continued increase in oil prices.
Managing to reduce gasoline prices - Photo: Q. DINH
Accordingly, E5 RON 92 gasoline has a new price of VND20,592/liter, a decrease of VND158/liter compared to the current price. After adjustment, the price of E5 RON 92 gasoline is VND550/liter lower than that of RON 95-III gasoline.
Similarly, gasoline RON 95-III New price is 21,142 VND/liter, down 78 VND/liter.
Diesel 0.05S has a new price of 20,194 VND/liter, an increase of 412 VND/liter. Kerosene has a new price of 20,110 VND/liter, an increase of 404 VND/liter compared to the current price; fuel oil 180CST 3.5S is adjusted to 17,752 VND/kg, an increase of 571 VND/kg.
In this management period, the joint ministries decided to continue not to set aside and not to use the gasoline price stabilization fund for E5 RON 92 gasoline, RON 95 gasoline, diesel oil, kerosene and fuel oil.
According to the joint agency of the Ministry of Industry and Trade - Ministry of Finance, the world oil market during the period from January 16 to 22 is affected by many factors with the main upward trend.
These are the cold weather in the US and Europe boosting fuel demand, the US president issuing policies to promote domestic fossil fuel production, the US tax policy issued by the US president for some countries, the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues...
Therefore, the prices of gasoline products tend to decrease slightly by nearly 1% and increase by about 3-5% for oil, of which 180CST 3.5S fuel oil increases by 5%.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade said that the time for petrol traders to adjust is at 3:00 p.m. today, January 23.
The Ministry said to make the adjustment Gasoline price The ministry will coordinate with relevant agencies to inspect and supervise the implementation of the responsibility of ensuring the supply of gasoline to the market by gasoline traders, and will strictly handle violations.
Thus, after three consecutive increases, gasoline prices have slightly decreased. Meanwhile, oil prices continued to increase sharply in this adjustment session.
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