How much is 1 USD in VND today?
The central exchange rate is listed by the State Bank at 23,895 VND/USD.
Vietcombank USD exchange rate today is listed at 24,050 VND - 24,420 VND (buy - sell).
Vietcombank Euro exchange rate is currently at 25,993 VND - 27,420 VND (buy - sell).
The current Japanese Yen exchange rate is 165.66 VND - 175.36 VND (buy - sell).
The current exchange rate of British Pound is 29,971 VND - 31,248 VND (buy - sell).
Today's Yuan exchange rate is at 3,330 VND - 3,472 VND (buy - sell).
USD price today
The US Dollar Index (DXY), which measures the greenback's movements against six major currencies (EUR, JPY, GBP, CAD, SEK, CHF), recorded 101.7 points.
The USD price as measured by the DXY index fell for a second consecutive week, closing at its lowest level since late July (101.70) amid the looming end of 2023.
Taking into account recent losses, the DXY index fell about 4.21% in the fourth quarter and about 1.75% in December, due to pressure from a significant decline in US government bond yields.
The Federal Reserve has recently adopted a dovish stance, a sign that its war on inflation is coming to an end. Markets have recently begun to speculate that the agency will cut interest rates in 2024, with the first cut being by 75 basis points.
In Asia, the yen rose to around 142-143 yen per dollar this week. Last week, the JPY/USD pair narrowed to a four-month high of 140.95. The yen has risen more than 6% since its weakest point in November, partly due to a weaker dollar. The Bank of Japan needs more ammunition to exit its easy monetary policy.
The euro rose 0.02%. European Central Bank (ECB) policymaker Bostjan Vasle said the ECB would have to wait until early 2024 at the earliest to reassess its policy outlook. Expectations of a rate cut in March or April were premature.
The pound rose 0.09%. GBP/USD was at 1.2703. UK retail sales rose more than expected in November.
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