Nowadays, more and more young people are suffering from kidney disease, even kidney failure, causing the group of people with this disease to become younger. So what is the cause? Can you please explain?
Thanh Trung (Hanoi)
Dr. Nghiem Trung Dung, Director of the Center for Nephrology, Urology and Dialysis, Bach Mai Hospital answered:
The trend of younger people with kidney failure is related to many issues, in which in addition to the cause of glomerulonephritis, the irregular eating and living habits of young people are also risk factors that promote early metabolic diseases, including kidney disease.
Young people today use too many drinks of unknown origin, eat a lot of convenient foods such as instant noodles with high salt content, plus irregular living habits, not in accordance with biological rhythms. Sleeping too late, being lazy to exercise leads to obesity.
These are risk factors for many diseases, including kidney disease.
Kidney disease progresses very silently, and there are often no symptoms in the early stages. Many people only discover the disease after a health check at work or after applying for a study abroad visa. The only way to detect it early is to have regular health check-ups, but many people do not have this habit, and are even lazy and afraid to go to medical facilities for health check-ups.
Chronic kidney disease, when detected early, brings many benefits: Helps prolong the time of conservative treatment with low treatment costs, effectiveness, and few follow-up visits...
But when the disease is detected at a late stage, it leads to high treatment costs, shortened conservative treatment time, greatly affecting the patient's health and quality of life.
When kidney disease is detected at an advanced stage, there are only three options: hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and kidney transplantation. Regardless of the choice, the burden of the disease will follow the patient and their family for the rest of their lives.
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