TIEN GIANG Durian prices are currently 50% higher than when they were not officially exported, equivalent to the highest price achieved in early 2023.
Durian prices have continued to remain high for more than a year. Photo: Minh Dam.
At this time, traders are buying Monthong durian grade A at the garden for 160,000 - 175,000 VND/kg, Ri 6 grade A is priced at 110,000 - 120,000 VND/kg. Grade B durian is priced 10,000 - 15,000 VND/kg lower than grade A.
According to Mr. Ngo Tan Trung, Deputy Director of Ngu Hiep Durian Cooperative (Cai Lay District, Tien Giang Province), this year's unfavorable weather conditions have caused gardeners to fail to produce off-season flowers, with productivity only 50-60% compared to the same period last year.
The entire Tien Giang province currently has about 22,000 hectares of durian cultivation. The province's durian development project area alone has nearly 15,000 hectares, of which nearly 13,000 hectares are bearing fruit. Ri 6 durian currently accounts for 49% and Monthong for 47% of the total area.
According to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Tien Giang province, in 2023, the cost of durian production will be about 354 million VND/ha, the price will be 30,000 - 50,000 VND/kg higher than the same period. With an average yield of about 28 tons/ha, the average profit that people earn is 1.7 billion VND/ha, 500 - 800 million VND/ha higher than the same period and 1.5 - 2 times higher than in 2017.
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