Pi Network Price Today 3/27/2025
Pi price on OKX exchange on March 27, 2025 is fluctuating around the price from 0.7753 USD to 0.9003 USD (equivalent to 19,860 VND to 23,070 VND. Thus, at the time of writing, Pi price on OKX exchange decreased sharply by 12.5% compared to yesterday, reaching 20,090 VND
Pi trading activities on unofficial channels are still quite busy. Many users, even though their wallets have not been unlocked, are still rushing to sell their accounts containing hundreds of Pi Coins at a price lower than the exchange price. The purpose is to quickly recover capital or make a small profit before the price continues to drop.
On the contrary, some buyers are willing to spend a large amount of money to collect Pi, hoping that when the project makes new progress, the value of this coin will increase again. This is a form of speculation that carries many risks but is still attractive to many people.
Mr. Tien Thanh (Ha Nam) is an example. He is selling an account containing 500 Pi Coins at a price of 0.8 USD/Pi, lower than the listed price on the exchange of 0.9 USD. This price is equivalent to 400 USD for the entire account, and his post has attracted great attention in the community.
However, these types of transactions are risky. Buyers may face the risk of being scammed, losing their accounts, or not being protected by the law or the exchange. Therefore, users should consider carefully before deciding to buy and sell Pi through off-exchange methods.

Can PI cryptocurrency be saved from collapse?
Compared to the time it was first listed on the exchange on February 20 at a price of 2 USD/Pi, Pi has lost 60% of its value. However, the trading volume is still very large, up to 52.4 million transactions just yesterday. This development has divided the Pi user community into two opposing opinions.
One group believes that this is a good opportunity to buy more when the price is low, expecting the price to recover in the near future. On the contrary, many people are skeptical and believe that the Pi price is being manipulated by large exchanges such as OKX.
According to some opinions, it is possible that parties are secretly pushing large amounts of Pi into the market to increase supply, causing prices to drop sharply. Then they create panic, causing investors to sell off, then buy them back at a cheap price before pushing the price back up to make a profit.
Source: https://baonghean.vn/gia-pi-network-hom-nay-27-3-2025-giam-sau-duoi-0-8-usd-10293850.html
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