The Ministry of Industry and Trade proposed adjusting electricity prices every two months, with an average input electricity price increase of 2% or more, according to a mechanism that ensures EVN makes a profit when determining annual standard profits.
Electricity prices can be adjusted every 2 months - Photo: Archive
The Ministry of Industry and Trade has just released a draft decree regulating the mechanism, adjustment time, basis for establishing and adjusting average retail electricity prices to collect opinions from ministries and branches, in order to implement the Electricity Law which will take effect from February 1, 2025.
EVN will announce electricity price costs
According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the newly drafted draft will amend and supplement regulations related to the announcement and disclosure of electricity production and business costs. In which, Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN) is responsible for reporting electricity production and business costs, hiring an independent auditing unit and publicly announcing costs and average electricity prices, instead of the Ministry of Industry and Trade announcing this content.
The publicly disclosed costs include the actual implementation of the stages (power generation, power transmission, power distribution - retail, power system dispatch and power market transaction management, industry management - operation) and other costs. Along with that are the average retail electricity price, business results of loss, profit and costs not included in the electricity price...
The new draft also amends the principles on the level and time of adjusting the average electricity price.
The goal is to promptly reflect actual fluctuations in input parameters, compensate for reasonable and valid costs to preserve and develop capital and avoid jerkiness in the process of adjusting electricity prices, which can be adjusted many times a year.
Accordingly, when the average electricity price increases by 2% or more compared to the current average electricity price, the electricity price is allowed to be adjusted upward. The minimum time for adjusting the average electricity price is two months from the last adjustment of the electricity price.
Thus, this adjustment level is lower than the current regulation, when electricity prices are changed every three months with input costs increasing by 3% or more. However, the regulation on reducing electricity prices by 1% or more compared to the current price will remain unchanged, EVN is responsible for reducing accordingly.
Adjusting electricity prices ensures EVN makes a profit, determining annual profit norms
In case the average electricity price needs to be adjusted to be 10% or more higher than the current average electricity price or affects the macroeconomic situation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall preside over and coordinate with relevant ministries and agencies to inspect, review and report to the Prime Minister for consideration and comments.
The formula for determining the average retail electricity price is basically the same as the old decision, but some price determination components are revised and supplemented.
That is the total cost and annual standard profit from multi-purpose strategic hydropower plants and dependent accounting power plants of EVN when not participating in the competitive electricity market, which will be issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
At the same time, supplement the regulations on the basis for determining the annual standard profit of the electricity distribution - retail stages; industry operation - management; multi-purpose strategic hydropower plants and other dependent accounting power plants in the period before participating in the competitive electricity market.
This supplement aims to ensure reasonable profits to preserve and develop the business capital of the enterprise, while ensuring clarity, transparency and basis for implementation.
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