Binh Phuoc: Electronic information portal
Investors, consulting organizations and related units when using information on material prices to establish and manage construction investment costs need to base on the location of the project, the location of the material supply, the volume of materials used, design requirements, technical instructions and regulations on construction quality management to consider, select appropriate materials and determine material prices in accordance with the specific requirements of the project, the market price level at the time of cost determination and the construction area, meeting investment goals, preventing loss and waste.
In case the price of construction materials according to this announcement is not consistent with the market price level at the construction site and the types of construction materials are not included in the price announcement, the instructions in Decree No. 10/2021/ND-CP dated February 9, 2021 of the Government on management of construction investment costs shall be followed.
Must be fully responsible when choosing to use material price information in this announcement table, responsible for managing construction investment costs in accordance with the provisions of the Construction Law and relevant current regulations.
When surveying and determining material prices, units are requested to note that materials must meet requirements on product and goods quality; technical standards and norms according to the provisions of the Law on Product and Goods Quality, the Law on Standards and current technical regulations./.
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