The V-SAT is a computer-based university entrance assessment test organized by universities in collaboration with the National Center for Testing and Education Quality Assessment (Ministry of Education and Training). At Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City, the exam will be held for the first time in 2023.
Candidates arrived at Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City very early.
Before the candidates entered the exam room, Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Duc Trung, Principal of the school, met and wished the candidates to be calm and confident in entering the first exam.
" In this exam, in addition to candidates from the Southeast provinces, there are also many candidates from Hai Phong, Hanoi... who also arrived very early to take the exam. In 2025, the school will organize 6 V-SAT exams. In the first exam, there were 292 candidates with 891 exams" - Associate Professor Trung said.
Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Duc Trung, Principal of Banking University, wishes all candidates good luck in their exams.
Candidates enter the first exam subject which is math.
Each candidate's backpack is given a serial number to avoid confusion.
The school arranges a waiting room for parents.
The 2025 V-SAT exam was reviewed and updated by the National Center for Testing and Education Quality Assessment; the exam format structure and form were adjusted to be more suitable for the assessment of high school students' abilities according to the 2018 General Education Program.
This exam consists of 8 independent subjects corresponding to the subjects in the high school program including Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, English and Literature. From 2025, the V-SAT exam will have an additional Literature subject.
The test format is objective multiple-choice for each subject, independent on the computer, except for the Literature test, which combines objective multiple-choice and essay writing on the computer. This year, the organization and use of the V-SAT exam has been expanded to 18 higher education institutions nationwide.
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