Nearly 200 athletes participate in Shuffle dance competition
Sunday, May 26, 2024 | 15:39:16
On the morning of May 26, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism organized a Shuffle dance competition.
The organizers presented souvenir flags to the Shuffle dance clubs participating in the tournament.
The tournament attracted nearly 200 athletes from 12 clubs in the province. Shuffle dance is a street dance with rhythmic, graceful foot movements to vibrant music, helping practitioners relieve anxiety, improve health, increase body flexibility and agility. This dance originated in Australia, although it was only introduced to the province in recent years, it has attracted many members to practice every day, becoming a "playground" with great potential in developing the sports training movement, aiming for professional tournaments.
The organizers awarded prizes to the participating teams.
The Shuffle dance tournament is an opportunity for clubs in the province to exchange, learn, and create a healthy playground; athletes can demonstrate their abilities, passion, and practically carry out the movement for the whole people to exercise following the example of great Uncle Ho.
A performance participating in the competition.
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