On September 15, at 5:00 p.m., Trai Hut station safely welcomed a freight train carrying ore. This was the first train to pass through the station since the Yen Vien - Lao Cai railway opened its entire route that morning. Quickly, from then until this morning (September 17), dozens of freight trains departed: a train carrying apatite from Xuan Giao to factories to serve production; an international transit train releasing goods from Lao Cai to China; trains from Hai Phong, Yen Vien, Giap Bat to stations along the route...
Mr. Dang Sy Manh, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vietnam Railways Corporation, said that due to the impact of floods, the entire Yen Vien - Lao Cai railway line had hundreds of affected points, with damage to infrastructure and signal information; more than 800 families of employees were affected by storms and floods. In the past difficult days, with the close direction of the leaders of the Ministry of Transport in preventing storm No. 3 and overcoming floods on the railway line with a proactive spirit, ensuring smooth and fast railway traffic but must be safe in all aspects, the corporation and its units have stuck to the road, focused on overcoming to promptly clear the road.
"In particular, there are currently nearly 700 tons of relief goods coming from the South by train, so the Yen Vien - Lao Cai route must be cleared as soon as possible. Thus, instead of the train only being able to stop at Giap Bat station, it will run straight to stations along the route, transporting goods in time to help people in need," Mr. Manh emphasized. Mr. Ta Truong Long, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yen Lao Railway Joint Stock Company, informed that the point at Km162 (Nga Quan commune, Tran Yen district, Yen Bai province) was flooded with over 2m of rain. After the water receded, mud covered the entire railway 60cm long, more than 1km long. The company mobilized human resources to focus on quickly fixing the problem and clearing the entire route.
Mr. Ta Truong Long said that the railway from Yen Bai to Lao Cai, nearly 160km long, was severely damaged, with 12 points of flooded rails, 42 points of landslides on the positive slope, 8 points of landslides on the negative slope, 3 points of roadbed erosion, a bridge with conical erosion, and a stone production line buried in the ground. The points have been repaired in step 1, and the track has been restored. Photo: The mud on the rails is mushy, very easy to sink, and cannot be used with machinery. Workers must use shovels to scoop and sweep the mud to avoid affecting the rails, sleepers, and accessories, allowing trains to run at 5km/h.

Mr. Le Minh Thai, Deputy Director of Yen Lao Railway Joint Stock Company, said that Yen Bai area was heavily flooded, and from Van Phu to Lao Cai, every section had problems: landslides on the negative slope, positive slope, flooding, trees, communication poles falling onto the railway... The unit mobilized maximum forces to fix the problem. With the spirit of "4 on-site", wherever the problem was, it was fixed there; wherever the water receded, it was fixed there. However, it was very difficult because the entire road was flooded, the team could not go, and at some points they had to climb hills to get to the location that needed to be fixed.
Ms. Nguyen To Quyen, a guard at Km 163+874 of Co Phuc Road who participated in the repair, said that the crossing she worked on was more than 10km away, but she was there at 5am to work with everyone. She has been on flood duty since the day of the storm. There are only two sisters at the crossing she works on. As soon as they received information, they took their machines and books to a resident's house a kilometer away to escape the flood in time. Otherwise, the water would have flooded the entire guardhouse and it would have been damaged. "My house is on high ground so luckily it was not flooded, but my husband also works on the railway. When he went to help, his leg was cut by corrugated iron and he had to go to the hospital. The people are suffering so much, and the railway workers have also suffered a lot. I just hope the road will be cleared quickly so that the train can bring relief goods to help the people," Ms. Quyen choked up.
A landslide also occurred at Lam Giang station. Station chief Nguyen Van Linh said that the rain and floods caused a landslide and collapsed a house, burying an employee who was inspecting equipment. Luckily, a patrol officer arrived at the right time and called for his colleagues to remove the debris and take him to the emergency room in time. Linh's house was also flooded, damaging many items and properties. However, he and his colleagues still stayed and stayed on duty so that as soon as the road was cleared, they could organize to welcome and send off the train safely. Photo: Linh pointing to the collapsed house.
Mr. Le Ngoc Dai, a worker at Yen Bai Locomotive Station (Hanoi Locomotive Enterprise), said that for the past few days, he has been working with his colleagues to fix and clean up the workshop and equipment to serve the train as soon as the road is open. He said that his house (Xuan Lan village, Tuy Loc commune, Yen Bai city) is adjacent to the Red River. On the evening of September 8, he left his house to go to the station to work the night shift. At that time, behind his house adjacent to the Red River, the water was still about 2m above the floor. But at that time, the station mobilized his colleagues to "run the flood", he was assigned to seal 4 fuel tanks to ensure safety. It was not raining at all at that time, but he still told his wife that if the water rose, they should evacuate, as long as they had people and property. "I finished the task at around 11pm. At that time, I took out my phone and saw my wife texting that the house was completely flooded, and the mother and children had evacuated. Impatient, I hurried home, but when I got close to my house, the water was already flooding, so I had to leave my car and swim home to where my wife and children were staying,” Mr. Dai recalled.
"Never before has the flooding been this severe, devastated", only the entire station area was still covered in dry mud under the midday sun, Mr. Vu Van Tien, Director of the Yen Lao Railway Exploitation Branch, said that the Yen Bai station area was heavily flooded, nearly 3m high from the top of the rail. The entire station track, hundreds of meters wide, was submerged in water. Previously, the locomotives and carriages had been moved to Van Phu station area, while the remaining equipment and machinery that could not be moved were brought to the 2nd floor of the station to avoid damage. However, many pieces of equipment were still flooded because they could not be removed or evacuated. Moreover, it was unexpected that the flood water would be so high.
"As soon as the water receded, and the depth was only about 1.7-1.8m, we mobilized about 30 people to wade through the water, using poles to sweep away trash and floating animal carcasses on the platform, over the iron fence and following the flow to the road because when the water receded further, dozens of blocks would be stuck, making it harder to clean up. When the water receded to about 70-80cm, we used our feet to stir up the mud to loosen it, used homemade rakes made from floating wooden planks, some pushed, some pulled, and continued to sweep the mud toward the gate for the water to carry away. Therefore, after the water receded, the platform was quickly cleared of mud and trash, and trains could run," said Mr. Tien.
The Yen Bai station information and signal building was submerged in water, with damaged machinery, equipment, and materials. Taking advantage of the sunny weather, the brothers took it out to dry.
The work books are also brought out to dry.
Even though the route has been cleared and the track has been restored, before the train can pass through Yen Bai station, the equipment must still be checked to ensure normal operation. Photo: Due to the automatic recorder being soaked in water for a long time, it cannot be fixed, so workers have to manually turn the recorder and check the recorder.
In the train operation room, the control station to operate the train has not been able to be fixed yet, the departments are preparing to organize the train operation manually using "paper" orders.
Locomotive units and carriages were also flooded up to the roof of the factory.
Units mobilized all staff and workers to focus on cleaning, tidying up, and preparing for transportation and train operation.
At landslide sites, the recovery forces work in the spirit of "4 on-site".
At Ho Kieu Bridge (Lao Cai), the rail connection point with the Chinese railway, units have inspected and ensured the infrastructure and equipment for smooth train operation. Photo: Mr. Dang Sy Manh presented gifts to encourage the Ho Kieu Bridge crossing guard team who stayed on duty to ensure safety during the flood.
Ore train passes Trai Hut station.
Source: https://www.baogiaothong.vn/gac-viec-nha-lo-cho-duong-sat-som-thong-tau-sau-lu-192240917073724831.htm
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