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Users cannot download cover photos on friends pages

Accordingly, this incident not only occurred on mobile applications, but also on the web version of one of the largest social networking platforms in the world today.

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Facebook not loading friends stories

According to VietNamNet , the “blank” status of cover photos, search history and friends status not being displayed started at around 10pm (Vietnam time) and by 11pm the problem had not been fixed. Data from Down Detector showed that within just 1 hour, there were more than 1,700 user reports of Facebook problems.


This is the second time this month that Facebook has experienced a widespread outage. Previously, on March 5, the social network experienced what the company said was a “technical error” that logged many user accounts out.

Meta confirms Facebook suffered a technical error that logged users out of their accounts . Meta's communications director confirmed that the social network Facebook suffered an access error that logged users out of their accounts and the issue was resolved quickly.