Letting children "play around" without any plans for summer vacation will make them feel bored. If parents know how to come up with ideas for a meaningful summer vacation with their children, they can help their children make new, better and more mature steps.
Summer vacation is an opportunity for parents to help their children practice important life skills (Illustration: Freepik).
Respect your children and give them the right to set their own personal goals.
Parents, help your child learn how to manage their time and personal life by sitting down with them to set some goals for the holiday. The most important question at this time is: What do you want to achieve by the end of the summer?
Maybe your child wants to learn a new skill, finish some books, or take part in some activities that interest them.
Setting goals with your child will help them become more excited, active, and positive during the holidays. It is important that parents talk to and listen to their children's wishes, and ask them how they would like their parents to support them.
Summer vacation is an opportunity for children to learn how to be disciplined, self-motivated, and create their own goals. This is an important skill for children's development.
Summer vacation still needs discipline
Even though discipline is relaxed during the holidays, it is still necessary to create a flexible holiday schedule so that children can have regular activities.
Lack of a scientific schedule will affect your child's physical and mental health. Losing sleep habits, when your child stays up too late or wakes up too late, will cause your child's daily routine to be disrupted and will need time to readjust when the new school year begins.
It is necessary to agree with your child about bedtime and wake-up time during the summer vacation. Parents should also agree with their children about the basic activities to be performed during the day, setting a time frame for each task and activity, so that children can maintain their agility and discipline throughout the vacation.
Sometimes laziness and lethargy will still appear. At this time, having a scientific schedule with scheduled activities will help a lot.
Parents can help their children turn each summer vacation into a milestone of maturity (Illustration: Freepik).
Learn new skills to make your summer meaningful.
To keep your child motivated during the summer vacation, let them participate in activities that they are truly interested in. Give them the opportunity to make new friends, learn new skills, and do things they enjoy.
Let's take advantage of social networks and let your children try to join healthy groups and communities. These can be sports clubs, art clubs, music clubs, skill classes, volunteer activities... These activities are both useful and help children practice their ability to interact, communicate, and make friends.
Work part-time to get the first lessons about money
If your child is old enough to work and your family can arrange for him or her to have a safe part-time job, this is something you should try. Teaching your child the value of money, the value of labor, and how to manage personal finances are very important skills. In fact, family and relatives can also create part-time jobs for children, such as asking them to tutor younger children.
Encourage your child to have their own hobbies to pursue.
If your child has a special interest in any field, such as playing an instrument, drawing, cooking, playing sports... encourage him to pursue it during the summer vacation. He can spend time to learn in depth and make friends with people who have the same interests as him. Parents should pay attention to providing the necessary conditions for him to pursue his own interests.
Having a hobby to pursue in addition to studying is a very important psychological support. Let your child feel comfortable with his hobby, do not be too strict or interfere too much. Hobbies also need time to experiment and learn, and hobbies can also change over time.
Summer vacation is also a good opportunity for parents to help their children progress and mature (Illustration: Vecteezy).
Recognize your child's achievements during the summer vacation.
When your child achieves the goals you and your child agreed upon for the holiday, acknowledge and praise them. This positive recognition will help motivate them to achieve other goals you and your child set together at the beginning of the school year.
In addition, throughout the summer vacation, regularly pay attention to your child's regular activities, get enough sleep, eat healthily, use the phone in moderation, and allocate reasonable time for activities.
In particular, parents should proactively spend more time with their children, to talk with them about open topics such as their goals, interests, or issues that they are interested in... Summer vacation is a good opportunity for parents to help their children progress and mature.
Source: https://dantri.com.vn/giao-duc/dung-de-tre-choi-dai-cha-me-hay-giup-con-truong-thanh-trong-ky-nghi-he-20240626083014674.htm
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