On May 9, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang signed a Decision approving the protection and exploitation of aquatic resources for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050.
The general goal by 2030 is to protect, conserve and develop aquatic resources in all types of water bodies and conserve marine biodiversity, contributing to the implementation of the objectives of Resolution No. 36-NQ/TW dated October 22, 2018 of the 12th Party Central Committee on the Strategy for sustainable development of Vietnam's marine economy to 2030, with a vision to 2045; develop sustainable and responsible fisheries exploitation, in line with international integration requirements; protect the environment, adapt to climate change, proactively prevent and combat natural disasters; contribute to improving the material and spiritual life of the people, ensuring social security, protecting sovereignty, sovereign rights, jurisdiction, security, order and national interests on rivers and seas of Vietnam.
Regarding the protection and development of aquatic resources, the Plan sets the target: 27 marine protected areas are established and operate effectively with a total area of the sea zoned for conservation of about 463,587 hectares, accounting for about 0.463% of the natural area of the national sea (sea areas under national jurisdiction). 149 areas in the sea (59 areas of aquatic resources protection, 63 areas of temporary prohibition of fishing, 27 areas of artificial habitat for aquatic species) and 119 inland areas (66 areas of aquatic resources protection, 53 areas of temporary prohibition of fishing) are zoned to protect aquatic resources, protect concentrated spawning areas, and areas of concentrated habitat of young aquatic species.
For fisheries exploitation, strive to have a maximum total number of fishing vessels of about 83,600. The structure of fisheries exploitation is as follows: Trawling accounts for 10.0%; purse seine accounts for 6.1%; gillnet accounts for 40.3%; fishing accounts for 18.9%; seine accounts for 3.0%; cage trap accounts for 2.9%...
The goal of the Plan by 2050 is for Vietnam to become a country with a modern, sustainable fisheries sector, equivalent to that of countries with developed fisheries in the region and the world.
By 2050, Vietnam will become a country with a sustainable and modern fisheries sector, equivalent to that of other countries with developed fisheries in the region and the world; marine biodiversity and inland water bodies will be preserved and developed; people's material and spiritual lives will be improved; contributing to ensuring social security; protecting sovereignty, security, order and national interests on rivers and at sea of Vietnam.
The orientation for protecting and developing aquatic resources is: Restoring aquatic resources, especially aquatic species of economic value, endangered, precious, rare, and endemic aquatic species; strengthening the management, assessment, conservation, protection, and regeneration of aquatic resources in all types of water bodies in inland and marine areas.
Increase the scale and area of conserved marine areas and protect aquatic resources; establish new marine reserves and effectively manage them; link conservation with the development of marine ecotourism, contributing to the protection and sustainable use of marine ecosystems and marine resources; protect historical and cultural relics, ranked scenic spots, and develop marine tourism economy.
Identify areas where fishing is prohibited for a limited period of time, including areas where aquatic species concentrate for spawning and areas where young aquatic species concentrate for living; form artificial habitats for endangered, precious, rare aquatic species, aquatic species of economic and scientific value, indigenous aquatic species, and endemic aquatic species in sea areas.
Orientation of fisheries exploitation planning: Gradually reduce exploited fisheries output, adjust the proportion of exploited output between sea areas, in accordance with the reserves of aquatic resources; selectively exploit aquatic species with high economic value.
Adjust the number of fishing vessels, transform the structure of fishing in inland waters and sea areas in accordance with the exploitation capacity of aquatic resources, especially reduce the proportion of trawling at sea; link the development of fishing communities' livelihoods with the development of aquaculture, ecotourism, and recreational fishing.
Strengthen and innovate fishing teams, cooperatives, and unions; organize seafood production according to the value chain, focusing on increasing production value. By 2030, about 80% of fishing vessels in inshore and offshore areas will participate in the production chain at sea...
Source: https://danviet.vn/dua-viet-nam-tro-thanh-quoc-gia-co-nghe-ca-phat-trien-ben-vung-hien-dai-vao-nam-2050-20240510181421376.htm
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