17:29, 10/11/2023
The Bank for Social Policies, Dak Lak Branch, said that up to now, there are 5,062 customers with outstanding loans, with a total capital of more than 302 billion VND under 5 loan programs under Resolution No. 11/NQ-CP, dated January 30, 2022 of the Government on the Socio-Economic Recovery and Development Program.
Specifically, outstanding loans to support employment, maintain and expand employment reached 4,410 workers, with a capital of VND 235 billion; loans for social housing according to Decree No. 100/2015/ND-CP reached 117 households, with a capital of more than VND 41.3 billion; loans for students to buy computers, online learning equipment and cover learning expenses reached 82 students, with a capital of VND 918 million; loans for 48 non-public preschools and primary schools reached 48 establishments, with a capital of more than VND 2.7 billion; loans for ethnic minority and mountainous households according to Decree No. 28/2022/ND-CP reached 405 customers, with a capital of VND 74.2 billion.
An economic model using social policy credit capital in Ia R've commune, Ea Sup district |
After two years of implementing Resolution 11, the Branch has disbursed nearly VND 3,277 billion in loans from policy credit programs with 2% interest rate support, providing interest rate support of VND 61.2 billion.
Minh Chi
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