The parenting methods of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and other tech billionaires are not the same, but the common point is to limit children's exposure to electronic devices.
Mark Zuckerberg shares family photo on his 40th birthday. (Source: Instagram) |
Tech billionaires possess many of the qualities that every parent wants their children to have: hard-working, ambitious, good communicators, and the ability to turn ideas into reality. However, not all billionaires raise their children the same way.
Mark Zuckerberg
In July, when asked what children should learn right now, Zuckerberg told Bloomberg that “The most important thing is to learn critical thinking and learn values at a young age. That is also my recruiting philosophy.”
According to CEO Meta, “If people show that they can go deep and do something really well, they've probably mastered the art of learning.”
In a 2019 interview with CBS This Morning , the billionaire revealed that the couple does not give their children everything. According to Zuckerberg's wife, their children also have to do chores and sometimes visit their parents' workplace to better understand the work.
“In general, I don’t want my kids sitting in front of a TV or a computer,” Zuckerberg told Fox News in 2019. At the time, he let his kids video call relatives but was stricter about other types of devices.
Satya Nadella
According to the Microsoft CEO, his parents created an environment where he set his own pace and pursued what he wanted. That deeply influenced the way he raised his own children.
“It's important to focus on what your child needs to thrive,” he told Good Housekeeping .
In addition, both he and his wife - Anu - think that children should have dogs. It brings a sense of closeness and responsibility to children, as well as a sense of "Someone is waiting for me to come back."
The couple knows what their children do on the computer. They also limit the number of movies, video games, and websites they can view.
Sundar Pichai
Like many parents, the Google CEO helps his kids with their homework. He uses the company’s own product, Google Lens, to help. “Sometimes I’m lazy and pretend to think, but I’m actually using Google Lens to figure out the answer to a math problem.”
In 2018, he told The New York Times that his son, then 11, did not have a phone and also limited his TV viewing.
Bill Gates
The Microsoft co-founder said he raised his children using a 1970s method called Love and Logic . This philosophy focuses on controlling emotions, through minimizing reactions such as yelling and scolding children.
He also tries to keep his children from becoming spoiled. He once said he wanted to strike a balance so that they were free to do whatever they wanted, but not give them so much money that they would just sit around doing nothing.
Gates banned his children from using phones during meals and did not buy them cell phones until they were 14.
Jeff Bezos
The former Amazon boss has a rather unique way of raising his children. In 2017, he revealed that he let his children use sharp knives from the age of 4 and electrical appliances from the age of 7 or 8.
Bezos shared that this was the method of MacKenzie Scott, his wife at the time. She believed, "it's better for a child to have nine fingers than none." He considered this "a great attitude about life."
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